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Address Autofill

Public beta for Mapbox Search JS
Mapbox Search JS is in public beta. During the public beta phase, frameworks may be subject to potential changes as they stabilize.

This page includes reference documentation for the Address Autofill feature in the Mapbox Search JS Core framework.



A AddressAutofillCore object is an application's main entrypoint to the Mapbox Address Autofill API. The Mapbox Address Autofill API is an API similar to SearchBoxCore, but targeted towards address autocomplete.

Only address types are returned by the API.

AddressAutofillCore is focused on the two-step, interactive search experience. These steps are:

  1. AddressAutofillCore#suggest: The user enters a search term, and a list of suggested results is returned with address data.
  2. AddressAutofillCore#retrieve: The user selects a result from the list of suggested results, and the corresponding geographic coordinates are returned.

A Mapbox access token is required to use AddressAutofillCore, and other options may be specified either in the constructor or in the AddressAutofillCore#suggest call.

new AddressAutofillCore(options: AddressAutofillOptions?)



Instance Members


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Options and Type Definitions


Options used by AddressAutofillCore and useAddressAutofillCore to control the location, language, country, and limit of results. All properties are optional.



bbox((string | LngLatBoundsLike)): Limit results to only those contained within the supplied bounding box.
country(string): An ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code to be returned. If not specified, results will not be filtered by country.
language(string): The IETF language tag to be returned. If not specified, en will be used.
limit((string | number)): The number of results to return, up to 10 .
proximity((string | LngLatLike)): Bias the response to favor results that are closer to this location. Provide a point coordinate provided as a LngLatLike , or use the string ip to use the requester's IP address.
streets((string | boolean)): If enabled, street results may be returned in addition to addresses. Defaults to true .
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An AddressAutofillSuggestion object represents a suggestion result from the Mapbox Address Autofill API.

Suggestion objects are "part one" of the two-step interactive autofill experience. Suggestion objects do not include geographic coordinates.

To get the coordinates of the result, use AddressAutofillCore#retrieve.

For tracking purposes, it is useful for any follow-up requests based on this suggestion to include same SessionToken as the original request.



accuracy(string): A point accuracy metric for the returned address feature. Can be one of rooftop , parcel , point , interpolated , intersection , street .
    action({id: string}): Action block of the suggestion result. contains id to execute retrieve
      address_level1(string): Address level 1 from the WHATWG Autocomplete Specification
        address_level2(string): Address level 2 from the WHATWG Autocomplete Specification
          address_level3(string): Address level 3 from the WHATWG Autocomplete Specification
            address_line1(string): Address line 1 from the WHATWG Autocomplete Specification
              address_line2(string): Address line 2 from the WHATWG Autocomplete Specification
                address_line3(string): Address line 3 from the WHATWG Autocomplete Specification
                  country(string): Long form country name, for example: "United States"
                    country_code(string): The short form country name, for example: "us". This follows the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code specification.
                      description(string): Additional details, such as city and state for addresses.
                        feature_name(string): The name of the feature.
                          full_address(string): The full address of the suggestion.
                            language(string): The IETF language tag of the feature.
                              maki(string): The name of the Maki icon associated with the feature.
                                match_code(MatchCode): An object describing the level of confidence that the given response feature matches the address intended by the request query. Includes boolean flags denoting matches for each address sub-component.
                                  matching_name(string): The feature name, as matched by the search algorithm.
                                    metadata({iso_3166_1: string}): Address metadata fields of the feature.

                                    Includes the short form country name, for example: "us". This follows the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code specification.

                                      place_name(string): A string representing the feature in the requested language, if specified, and its full result hierarchy.
                                        place_type(Array<string>): An array of strings representing the geographic feature type of the feature. Possible values include "address" and "secondary_address".
                                          postcode(string): Postal code.


                                            const autofill = new AddressAutofillCore({ accessToken: '' });

                                            const sessionToken = new SessionToken();
                                            const result = await search.autofill('Washington D.C.', { sessionToken });
                                            if (result.suggestions.length === 0) return;

                                            const suggestion = result.suggestions[0];
                                            const { features } = await autofill.retrieve(suggestion, { sessionToken });
                                            Was this section on AddressAutofillSuggestion helpful?


                                            An AddressAutofillFeatureSuggestion object represents GeoJSON suggestion results from the Mapbox Address Autofill API.

                                            As per the Mapbox Address Autofill API, this will always be Point.



                                            const featureSuggestion = {
                                            type: 'Feature',
                                            geometry: {
                                            type: 'Point',
                                            coordinates: [0,0]
                                            properties: {
                                            feature_name: 'Washington D.C.',

                                            Static Members

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                                            attribution(string): The attribution data for results.
                                              suggestions(Array<AddressAutofillSuggestion>): The returned suggestion objects.
                                                Was this section on AddressAutofillSuggestionResponse helpful?




                                                attribution(string): The attribution data for results.
                                                  features(Array<AddressAutofillFeatureSuggestion>): The returned feature objects.
                                                    Was this section on AddressAutofillRetrieveResponse helpful?


                                                    An object describing the level of confidence that the given response feature matches the address intended by the request query.



                                                    address_number(MatchCodeType): An indication of how well the address_number component of the feature matches the query.
                                                      confidence(MatchCodeConfidence): An overall confidence level for how well the feature matches the query.
                                                        country(MatchCodeType): An indication of how well the country component of the feature matches the query.
                                                          locality(MatchCodeType): An indication of how well the locality component of the feature matches the query.
                                                            place(MatchCodeType): An indication of how well the place component of the feature matches the query.
                                                              postcode(MatchCodeType): An indication of how well the postcode component of the feature matches the query.
                                                                region(MatchCodeType): An indication of how well the region component of the feature matches the query.
                                                                  secondary_address(MatchCodeType): An indication of how well the secondary_address component of the feature matches the query.
                                                                    street(MatchCodeType): An indication of how well the street component of the feature matches the query.
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                                                                      An indication of how well a context component of the feature matches the query.

                                                                      Static Members

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                                                                      An overall confidence level for how well the feature matches the query.

                                                                      Static Members

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