Package-level declarations


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annotation class AtmosphereDsl

Dsl marker for Atmosphere.

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annotation class ExpressionDsl

Dsl marker for Expression.

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Represents a string broken into sections annotated with separate formatting options.

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data class FormattedSection @JvmOverloads constructor(val text: String, var fontScale: Double? = null, var fontStack: List<String>? = null, var textColor: String? = null)

A component of the Formatted.

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annotation class LayersDsl

Dsl marker for Layer.

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annotation class LightDsl

Dsl marker for Light.

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data class PromoteId @JvmOverloads constructor(val propertyName: String, val sourceId: String? = null)

Holds a property type to promote a specific feature for feature state API.

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Dsl marker for Rain.

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Dsl marker for Snow.

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annotation class SourceDsl

Dsl marker for Source.

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Concrete implementation of the StyleTransition interface.

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annotation class TerrainDsl

Dsl marker for Terrain.


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fun formatted(block: Formatted.() -> Unit): Formatted

DSL function for Formatted.

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