
Animatable model represents a 3D model with customisable ModelParts, it also can be used to setup LocationPuck3D to work with location component.


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Create the LocationPuck3D with the model uri and necessary layer properties to allow updating the ModelPart in the runtime.


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The color of the model, except for the model parts defined in ModelMaterialPart.materialOverrides.

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The color mix intensity of the model, except for the model parts defined in ModelMaterialPart.materialOverrides.

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The emissive strength of the model, except for the model parts defined in ModelMaterialPart.materialOverrides.

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The URI of the model.

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The opacity of the model, except for the model parts defined in ModelMaterialPart.materialOverrides.

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The rotation of the model, except for the model parts defined in ModelNodePart.nodeOverrides.