Package-level declarations


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The background color or pattern of the map.

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This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class CircleLayer(val layerId: String, val sourceId: String) : Layer, CircleLayerDsl

A filled circle.

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interface CircleLayerDsl

This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class ClipLayer(val layerId: String, val sourceId: String) : Layer, ClipLayerDsl

Layer that removes 3D content from map.

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interface ClipLayerDsl

This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class FillExtrusionLayer(val layerId: String, val sourceId: String) : Layer, FillExtrusionLayerDsl

An extruded (3D) polygon.

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This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class FillLayer(val layerId: String, val sourceId: String) : Layer, FillLayerDsl

A filled polygon with an optional stroked border.

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interface FillLayerDsl

This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class HeatmapLayer(val layerId: String, val sourceId: String) : Layer, HeatmapLayerDsl

A heatmap.

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interface HeatmapLayerDsl

This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class HillshadeLayer(val layerId: String, val sourceId: String) : Layer, HillshadeLayerDsl

Client-side hillshading visualization based on DEM data. Currently, the implementation only supports Mapbox Terrain RGB and Mapzen Terrarium tiles.

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This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class LineLayer(val layerId: String, val sourceId: String) : Layer, LineLayerDsl

A stroked line.

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interface LineLayerDsl

This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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Location Indicator layer.

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This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class ModelLayer(val layerId: String, val sourceId: String) : Layer, ModelLayerDsl

A layer to render 3D Models.

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This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class RasterLayer(val layerId: String, val sourceId: String) : Layer, RasterLayerDsl

Raster map textures such as satellite imagery.

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interface RasterLayerDsl

This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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Particle animation driven by textures such as wind maps.

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This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class SkyLayer(val layerId: String) : Layer, SkyLayerDsl

A spherical dome around the map that is always rendered behind all other layers.

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interface SkyLayerDsl

This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class SlotLayer(val layerId: String) : Layer, SlotLayerDsl

Marks the position of a slot.

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interface SlotLayerDsl

This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

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class SymbolLayer(val layerId: String, val sourceId: String) : Layer, SymbolLayerDsl

An icon or a text label.

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interface SymbolLayerDsl

This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.


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DSL function for creating a BackgroundLayer.

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fun circleLayer(layerId: String, sourceId: String, block: CircleLayerDsl.() -> Unit): CircleLayer

DSL function for creating a CircleLayer.

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fun clipLayer(layerId: String, sourceId: String, block: ClipLayerDsl.() -> Unit): ClipLayer

DSL function for creating a ClipLayer.

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DSL function for creating a FillExtrusionLayer.

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fun fillLayer(layerId: String, sourceId: String, block: FillLayerDsl.() -> Unit): FillLayer

DSL function for creating a FillLayer.

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fun heatmapLayer(layerId: String, sourceId: String, block: HeatmapLayerDsl.() -> Unit): HeatmapLayer

DSL function for creating a HeatmapLayer.

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fun hillshadeLayer(layerId: String, sourceId: String, block: HillshadeLayerDsl.() -> Unit): HillshadeLayer

DSL function for creating a HillshadeLayer.

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fun lineLayer(layerId: String, sourceId: String, block: LineLayerDsl.() -> Unit): LineLayer

DSL function for creating a LineLayer.

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fun modelLayer(layerId: String, sourceId: String, block: ModelLayerDsl.() -> Unit): ModelLayer

DSL function for creating a ModelLayer.

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fun rasterLayer(layerId: String, sourceId: String, block: RasterLayerDsl.() -> Unit): RasterLayer

DSL function for creating a RasterLayer.

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fun skyLayer(layerId: String, block: SkyLayerDsl.() -> Unit): SkyLayer

DSL function for creating a SkyLayer.

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fun slotLayer(layerId: String, block: SlotLayerDsl.() -> Unit): SlotLayer

DSL function for creating a SlotLayer.

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fun symbolLayer(layerId: String, sourceId: String, block: SymbolLayerDsl.() -> Unit): SymbolLayer

DSL function for creating a SymbolLayer.