Package-level declarations
The state holder for BackgroundLayer's layer properties.
Orientation of background layer. Default value: "map".
The state holder for CircleLayer's layer properties.
Orientation of circle when map is pitched. Default value: "viewport".
Controls the scaling behavior of the circle when the map is pitched. Default value: "map".
Controls the frame of reference for circle-translate
. Default value: "map".
The state holder for ClipLayer's layer properties.
Layer types that will also be removed if fallen below this clip layer. Default value: [].
Layer types that will also be removed if fallen below this clip layer. Default value: [].
Controls the behavior of fill extrusion base over terrain Default value: "terrain".
Controls the behavior of fill extrusion height over terrain Default value: "flat".
The state holder for FillExtrusionLayer's layer properties.
Controls the frame of reference for fill-extrusion-translate
. Default value: "map".
The state holder for FillLayer's layer properties.
Controls the frame of reference for fill-translate
. Default value: "map".
The state holder for HeatmapLayer's layer properties.
Direction of light source when map is rotated. Default value: "viewport".
The state holder for HillshadeLayer's layer properties.
Part of the icon placed closest to the anchor. Default value: "center".
Orientation of icon when map is pitched. Default value: "auto".
In combination with symbol-placement
, determines the rotation behavior of icons. Default value: "auto".
Scales the icon to fit around the associated text. Default value: "none".
Controls the frame of reference for icon-translate
. Default value: "map".
The display of line endings. Default value: "butt".
The display of lines when joining. Default value: "miter".
The state holder for LineLayer's layer properties.
Controls the frame of reference for line-translate
. Default value: "map".
The state holder for LocationIndicatorLayer's layer properties.
The state holder for ModelLayer's layer properties.
Defines scaling mode. Only applies to location-indicator type layers. Default value: "map".
Defines rendering behavior of model in respect to other 3D scene objects. Default value: "common-3d".
The state holder for RasterLayer's layer properties.
The state holder for RasterParticleLayer's layer properties.
The resampling/interpolation method to use for overscaling, also known as texture magnification filter Default value: "linear".
The state holder for SkyLayer's layer properties.
The type of the sky Default value: "atmosphere".
Selects the base of symbol-elevation. Default value: "ground".
The state holder for SymbolLayer's layer properties.
Label placement relative to its geometry. Default value: "point".
Determines whether overlapping symbols in the same layer are rendered in the order that they appear in the data source or by their y-position relative to the viewport. To control the order and prioritization of symbols otherwise, use symbol-sort-key
. Default value: "auto".
Part of the text placed closest to the anchor. Default value: "center".
Text justification options. Default value: "center".
Orientation of text when map is pitched. Default value: "auto".
In combination with symbol-placement
, determines the rotation behavior of the individual glyphs forming the text. Default value: "auto".
Specifies how to capitalize text, similar to the CSS text-transform
property. Default value: "none".
Controls the frame of reference for text-translate
. Default value: "map".
To increase the chance of placing high-priority labels on the map, you can provide an array of text-anchor
locations: the renderer will attempt to place the label at each location, in order, before moving onto the next label. Use text-justify: auto
to choose justification based on anchor position. To apply an offset, use the text-radial-offset
or the two-dimensional text-offset
To increase the chance of placing high-priority labels on the map, you can provide an array of text-anchor
locations: the renderer will attempt to place the label at each location, in order, before moving onto the next label. Use text-justify: auto
to choose justification based on anchor position. To apply an offset, use the text-radial-offset
or the two-dimensional text-offset
The property allows control over a symbol's orientation. Note that the property values act as a hint, so that a symbol whose language doesn’t support the provided orientation will be laid out in its natural orientation. Example: English point symbol will be rendered horizontally even if array value contains single 'vertical' enum value. For symbol with point placement, the order of elements in an array define priority order for the placement of an orientation variant. For symbol with line placement, the default text writing mode is either 'horizontal', 'vertical' or 'vertical', 'horizontal', the order doesn't affect the placement.
The property allows control over a symbol's orientation. Note that the property values act as a hint, so that a symbol whose language doesn’t support the provided orientation will be laid out in its natural orientation. Example: English point symbol will be rendered horizontally even if array value contains single 'vertical' enum value. For symbol with point placement, the order of elements in an array define priority order for the placement of an orientation variant. For symbol with line placement, the default text writing mode is either 'horizontal', 'vertical' or 'vertical', 'horizontal', the order doesn't affect the placement.
Whether this layer is displayed. Default value: "visible".
The background color or pattern of the map.
A filled circle.
Layer that removes 3D content from map.
An extruded (3D) polygon.
A filled polygon with an optional stroked border.
A heatmap.
Client-side hillshading visualization based on DEM data. Currently, the implementation only supports Mapbox Terrain RGB and Mapzen Terrarium tiles.
A stroked line.
Location Indicator layer.
A layer to render 3D Models.
Raster map textures such as satellite imagery.
Particle animation driven by textures such as wind maps.
A spherical dome around the map that is always rendered behind all other layers.
An icon or a text label.