
public struct RenderOptions : Equatable

Used to configure rendering-specific capabilities of the MapView

  • The preferred frame rate at which the map view is rendered.

    The default value for this property is .normal, which will adaptively set the preferred frame rate based on the capability of the user’s device to maintain a smooth experience.

    See Also CADisplayLink.preferredFramesPerSecond



    public var preferredFramesPerSecond: PreferredFPS
  • A Boolean value indicating whether the map should prefetch tiles.

    When this property is set to true, the map view prefetches tiles designed for a low zoom level and displays them until receiving more detailed tiles for the current zoom level. The prefetched tiles typically contain simplified versions of each shape, improving the map view’s perceived performance.

    The default value of this property is true.



    public var prefetchesTiles: Bool
  • A Boolean value that indicates whether the underlying CAMetalLayer of the MapView presents its content using a CoreAnimation transaction

    By default, this is false resulting in the output of a rendering pass being displayed on the CAMetalLayer as quickly as possible (and asynchronously). This typically results in the fastest rendering performance.

    If, however, the MapView is overlaid with a UIKit element which must be pinned to a particular lat-long, then setting this to true will result in better synchronization and less jitter.



    public var presentsWithTransaction: Bool