
This Interface contains all the functions that will be exposed to Koltin DSL.

Separated the DSL receiver class to this interface to avoid IDE code suggestion for property getters.


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abstract fun color(color: Expression): Atmosphere
abstract fun color(@ColorInt color: Int): Atmosphere
abstract fun color(color: String = "#ffffff"): Atmosphere

The color of the atmosphere region immediately below the horizon and within the range and above the horizon and within horizon-blend. Using opacity is recommended only for smoothly transitioning fog on/off as anything less than 100% opacity results in more tiles loaded and drawn. Default value: "#ffffff".

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Set the Color property transition options.

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abstract fun highColor(highColor: Expression): Atmosphere
abstract fun highColor(@ColorInt highColor: Int): Atmosphere
abstract fun highColor(highColor: String = "#245cdf"): Atmosphere

The color of the atmosphere region above the horizon, high-color extends further above the horizon than the color property and its spread can be controlled with horizon-blend. The opacity can be set to 0 to remove the high atmosphere color contribution. Default value: "#245cdf".

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Set the HighColor property transition options.

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abstract fun horizonBlend(    horizonBlend: Expression = Expression.fromRaw("""["interpolate",["linear"],["zoom"],4,0.2,7,0.1]""".trimIndent())): Atmosphere
abstract fun horizonBlend(horizonBlend: Double): Atmosphere

Horizon blend applies a smooth fade from the color of the atmosphere to the color of space. A value of zero leaves a sharp transition from atmosphere to space. Increasing the value blends the color of atmosphere into increasingly high angles of the sky. Default value: "["interpolate","linear","zoom",4,0.2,7,0.1]". Value range: 0, 1

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Set the HorizonBlend property transition options.

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abstract fun range(range: Expression): Atmosphere
abstract fun range(range: List<Double> = listOf(0.5, 10.0)): Atmosphere

The start and end distance range in which fog fades from fully transparent to fully opaque. The distance to the point at the center of the map is defined as zero, so that negative range values are closer to the camera, and positive values are farther away. Default value: 0.5,10. Value range: -20, 20

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Set the Range property transition options.

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abstract fun spaceColor(    spaceColor: Expression = Expression.fromRaw("""["interpolate",["linear"],["zoom"],4,"#010b19",7,"#367ab9"]""".trimIndent())): Atmosphere
abstract fun spaceColor(@ColorInt spaceColor: Int): Atmosphere
abstract fun spaceColor(spaceColor: String): Atmosphere

The color of the region above the horizon and after the end of the horizon-blend contribution. The opacity can be set to 0 to have a transparent background. Default value: "["interpolate","linear","zoom",4,"#010b19",7,"#367ab9"]".

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Set the SpaceColor property transition options.

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abstract fun starIntensity(    starIntensity: Expression = Expression.fromRaw("""["interpolate",["linear"],["zoom"],5,0.35,6,0]""".trimIndent())): Atmosphere
abstract fun starIntensity(starIntensity: Double): Atmosphere

A value controlling the star intensity where 0 will show no stars and 1 will show stars at their maximum intensity. Default value: "["interpolate","linear","zoom",5,0.35,6,0]". Value range: 0, 1

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Set the StarIntensity property transition options.

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abstract fun verticalRange(verticalRange: Expression): Atmosphere
abstract fun verticalRange(verticalRange: List<Double> = listOf(0.0, 0.0)): Atmosphere

An array of two number values, specifying the vertical range, measured in meters, over which the fog should gradually fade out. When both parameters are set to zero, the fog will be rendered without any vertical constraints. Default value: 0,0. Minimum value: 0.

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Set the VerticalRange property transition options.


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