Package-level declarations
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The state holder for the base MapboxStandardStyle's &MapboxStandardSatelliteStyle's configurations.
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Define the lightPreset style import config for MapboxStandardStyle.
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The state holder for the MapboxStandardSatelliteStyle's configurations.
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The state holder for the MapboxStandardStyle's configurations.
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Define the Theme style import config for MapboxStandardStyle.
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fun MapboxStandardSatelliteStyle( styleImportsContent: @Composable StyleImportsScope.() -> Unit? = null, topSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, middleSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, bottomSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, projection: Projection = Projection.INITIAL, atmosphereState: AtmosphereState = remember { AtmosphereState() }, terrainState: TerrainState = TerrainState.INITIAL, lightsState: LightsState = LightsState.INITIAL, styleTransition: TransitionOptions = remember { transition { } }, standardSatelliteStyleConfigurationState: StandardSatelliteStyleConfigurationState = remember {
fun MapboxStandardSatelliteStyle( styleImportsContent: @Composable StyleImportsScope.() -> Unit? = null, topSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, middleSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, bottomSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, projection: Projection = Projection.INITIAL, atmosphereState: AtmosphereState = remember { AtmosphereState() }, terrainState: TerrainState = TerrainState.INITIAL, lightsState: LightsState = LightsState.INITIAL, styleTransition: TransitionOptions = remember { transition { } }, init: StandardSatelliteStyleConfigurationState.() -> Unit)
The convenient composable function to set a Mapbox Standard Satellite style to the map, with available slots and config options.
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fun MapboxStandardStyle( styleImportsContent: @Composable StyleImportsScope.() -> Unit? = null, topSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, middleSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, bottomSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, projection: Projection = Projection.INITIAL, atmosphereState: AtmosphereState = remember { AtmosphereState() }, terrainState: TerrainState = TerrainState.INITIAL, lightsState: LightsState = LightsState.INITIAL, styleTransition: TransitionOptions = remember { transition { } }, standardStyleConfigurationState: StandardStyleConfigurationState = remember {
fun MapboxStandardStyle( styleImportsContent: @Composable StyleImportsScope.() -> Unit? = null, topSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, middleSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, bottomSlot: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, projection: Projection = Projection.INITIAL, atmosphereState: AtmosphereState = remember { AtmosphereState() }, terrainState: TerrainState = TerrainState.INITIAL, lightsState: LightsState = LightsState.INITIAL, styleTransition: TransitionOptions = remember { transition { } }, init: StandardStyleConfigurationState.() -> Unit)
The convenient composable function to set a Mapbox Standard style to the map, with available slots and config options.