The state holder for HillshadeLayer's layer properties.
See also
Construct an default HillshadeLayerState.
An expression specifying conditions on source features. Only features that match the filter are displayed. Zoom expressions in filters are only evaluated at integer zoom levels. The ["feature-state", ...]
expression is not supported in filter expressions. The ["pitch"]
and ["distance-from-center"]
expressions are supported only for filter expressions on the symbol layer.
Defines the transition of hillshadeAccentColor. Default value: "#000000".
Defines the transition of hillshadeEmissiveStrength. Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0.
Defines the transition of hillshadeExaggeration. Default value: 0.5. Value range: 0, 1
Defines the transition of hillshadeHighlightColor. Default value: "#FFFFFF".
The direction of the light source used to generate the hillshading with 0 as the top of the viewport if hillshade-illumination-anchor
is set to viewport
and due north if hillshade-illumination-anchor
is set to map
and no 3d lights enabled. If hillshade-illumination-anchor
is set to map
and 3d lights enabled, the direction from 3d lights is used instead. Default value: 335. Value range: 0, 359
Defines the transition of hillshadeShadowColor. Default value: "#000000".