
open class Builder(val tilejson: String, val tiles: List<String>)

Builder for TileSet.


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fun Builder(tilejson: String, tiles: List<String>)


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Default: null. Contains an attribution to be displayed when the map is shown to a user. Implementations MAY decide to treat this as HTML or literal text. For security reasons, make absolutely sure that this field can't be abused as a vector for XSS or beacon tracking. "attribution": "OSM contributors",

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fun bounds(value: List<Double> = listOf(-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0)): TileSet.Builder

Default: -180, -90, 180, 90. The maximum extent of available map tiles. Bounds MUST define an area covered by all zoom levels. The bounds are represented in WGS:84 latitude and longitude values, in the order left, bottom, right, top. Values may be integers or floating point numbers.

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fun build(): TileSet

Build the TileSet.

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The first value is the longitude, the second is latitude (both in WGS:84 values), the third value is the zoom level as an integer. Longitude and latitude MUST be within the specified bounds. The zoom level MUST be between minzoom and maxzoom. Implementations can use this value to set the default location. If the value is null, implementations may use their own algorithm for determining a default location.

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An array of data files in GeoJSON format. {z}, {x} and {y}, if present, are replaced with the corresponding integers. If multiple endpoints are specified, clients may use any combination of endpoints. All endpoints MUST return the same content for the same URL. If the array doesn't contain any entries, then no data is present in the map.

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A text description of the tileset. The description can contain any legal character. Implementations SHOULD NOT interpret the description as HTML. "description": "A simple, light grey world."

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An array of interactivity endpoints. {z}, {x} and {y}, if present, are replaced with the corresponding integers. If multiple endpoints are specified, clients may use any combination of endpoints. All endpoints MUST return the same content for the same URL. If the array doesn't contain any entries, interactivity is not supported for this tileset. See for the interactivity specification.

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Contains a legend to be displayed with the map. Implementations MAY decide to treat this as HTML or literal text. For security reasons, make absolutely sure that this field can't be abused as a vector for XSS or beacon tracking. "legend": "Dangerous zones are red, safe zones are green"

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fun maxZoom(value: Int = 30): TileSet.Builder

Default to 30. >= 0, <= 22. An integer specifying the maximum zoom level.

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fun minZoom(value: Int = 0): TileSet.Builder

Default to 0. >= 0, < 22. An integer specifying the minimum zoom level.

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A name describing the tileset. The name can contain any legal character. Implementations SHOULD NOT interpret the name as HTML. "name": "compositing",

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Default: "xyz". Either "xyz" or "tms". Influences the y direction of the tile coordinates. The global-mercator (aka Spherical Mercator) profile is assumed. "scheme": "xyz"

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Contains a mustache template to be used to format data from grids for interaction. See for the interactivity specification. "template": "{{#teaser}}{{NAME}}{{/teaser}}"

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fun version(value: String = "1.0.0"): TileSet.Builder

Default: "1.0.0". A style version number. When changes across tiles are introduced, the minor version MUST change. This may lead to cut off labels. Therefore, implementors can decide to clean their cache when the minor version changes. Changes to the patch level MUST only have changes to tiles that are contained within one tile. When tiles change significantly, the major version MUST be increased. Implementations MUST NOT use tiles with different major versions.


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