
Describes the Custom Raster Source to be used in the style.

To add the data, implement the CustomRasterSourceOptions.fetchTileFunction callback and call setTileData when needed.


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open override fun bindTo(delegate: MapboxStyleManager)

Add the source to the Style.

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fun invalidateRegion(coordinateBounds: CoordinateBounds)

Invalidate region for provided custom raster source.

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Invalidate tile for provided custom raster source.

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fun setTileData(tileID: CanonicalTileID, bitmap: Bitmap?)
fun setTileData(tileID: CanonicalTileID, image: Image?)

Set tile data for a raster tile.

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open override fun toString(): String

Returns a human readable string that includes the cached properties of the source.


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The ID of the Source.