
open class Expected<E, V>

Expected is wrapper object around either a value or an error.



The error type of expected


The value type of expected


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Functional interface to run an action on expected types.
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Functional interface to transform expected types.


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open fun <R> fold(@NonNull errorFun: Expected.Transformer<E, R>, @NonNull valueFun: Expected.Transformer<V, R>): R
Fold the expected to a common type.
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Retruns the value, if available, or produces a fallback with the provided function.
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open fun isError(): Boolean
Returns if the expected contains an error.
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open fun isValue(): Boolean
Returns if the expected contains a value.
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open fun <E1, V1> map(@NonNull errorFun: Expected.Transformer<E, E1>, @NonNull valueFun: Expected.Transformer<V, V1>): Expected<E1, V1>
Map both value or error to a new type.
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Map error to a new type or return encapsulated value.
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Map value to a new type or return the encapsulated error.
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Execute an action if this expected is an error.
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Execute an action if this expected is an error.


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