Package com.mapbox.maps.plugin.animation
Interface responsible to notify about any CameraAnimator lifecycle events registered in CameraAnimationsPlugin. Those events are:
Interface to interact with Camera Animations plugin
CameraAnimationsPluginImpl is designed to rule all the animations happening to the map driven by changing CameraOptions. It is responsible for:
Interface to get updated non-nullable animator values.
Interface to get updated animator values including nulls.
Class responsible for storing options used by all CameraAnimator's from CameraAnimationsPlugin. CameraAnimatorOptions.Builder should be used to create options object via DSL function cameraAnimatorOptions.
CameraAnimatorsFactory stands for storing default animation options. Provides default animators for "easeTo", "scaleBy", "pitchBy", "moveBy", "rotateBy" animations
Enum class representing all possible camera animator types.
Interface describing cancelable animation set for high-level functions like flyTo, easeTo etc.
Map transition options which are used to configure animation if using high-level API like CameraAnimationsPlugin.easeTo, CameraAnimationsPlugin.flyTo etc MapAnimationOptions.Builder should be used to create options object via DSL function mapAnimationOptions.
Registry for all plugins using Camera Animation system. This means that all animations controlled by any plugin will create animators with their owner.
Extension easeTo() for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Ease the map camera to a given camera options and animation options
Extension flyTo() function for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Fly the map camera to a given camera options.
Extension moveBy() function for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Move the map by a given screen coordinate with optional animation.
Extension pitchBy() function for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Pitch the map by with optional animation.
Extension rotateBy() function for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Rotate the map by with optional animation.
Extension scaleBy() function for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Scale the map by with optional animation.