Definition of the map plugin extensions delegate. Makes possible to call plugin functions directly from MapboxMap.
Call extension function on CameraAnimationsPlugin. In most cases should not be called directly.
Call extension function on GesturesPlugin. In most cases should not be called directly.
Add a callback that is invoked when the map is has received a fling gesture. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Add a callback that is invoked when the map is clicked. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Add a callback that is invoked when the map is long clicked. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Add a callback that is invoked when the map is moved. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Add a callback that is invoked when the map is rotated. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Add a callback that is invoked when the map is scaled. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Add a callback that is invoked when the map is shoved. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Extension easeTo() for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Ease the map camera to a given camera options and animation options
Extension flyTo() function for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Fly the map camera to a given camera options.
Get the current configured AndroidGesturesManager. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Get copy of current gesture settings.
Extension moveBy() function for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Move the map by a given screen coordinate with optional animation.
Extension pitchBy() function for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Pitch the map by with optional animation.
Remove a callback that is invoked when the map is has received a fling gesture. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Remove a callback that is invoked when the map is clicked. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Remove a callback that is invoked when the map is long clicked. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Remove a callback that is invoked when the map is moved. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Remove a callback that is invoked when the map is rotated. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Remove a callback that is invoked when the map is scaled. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Remove a callback that is invoked when the map is shoved. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins
Extension rotateBy() function for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Rotate the map by with optional animation.
Extension scaleBy() function for MapPluginExtensionsDelegate Scale the map by with optional animation.
Set the AndroidGesturesManager instance. Gesture plugin with id = Plugin.MAPBOX_GESTURES_PLUGIN_ID must be added while constructing MapView
as part of MapInitOptions.plugins