Interface to interact with Camera Animations plugin
Add camera anchor change listener
Add given CameraAnimationsLifecycleListener for capturing all events about animators lifecycle.
Add camera bearing change listener
Add camera center change listener
Add camera padding change listener
Add camera pitch change listener
Add camera zoom change listener
Utility method to calculate scale by using the amount and current zoom
Cancel all animators except ones owned by exceptOwnerList list.
Create CameraAnchorAnimator
Create CameraBearingAnimator. Current map camera option will be applied on animation start if not specified explicitly with options.startValue.
Create CameraCenterAnimator. Current map camera option will be applied on animation start if not specified explicitly with options.startValue.
Create CameraPaddingAnimator. Current map camera option will be applied on animation start if not specified explicitly with options.startValue.
Create CameraPitchAnimator. Current map camera option will be applied on animation start if not specified explicitly with options.startValue.
Create CameraZoomAnimator
Ease the map camera to a given camera options.
Fly the map camera to a given camera options.
Called when the plugin is first added to the map.
Move the map by a given screen coordinate with optional animation.
Provides all map delegate instances.
Pitch the map by with optional animation.
Play given ValueAnimator's sequentially
Play given ValueAnimator's together
Register an animator
Remove camera anchor change listener
Remove given CameraAnimationsLifecycleListener for capturing all events about animators lifecycle.
Add camera bearing change listener
Remove camera center change listener
Remove camera padding change listener
Remove camera pitch change listener
Remove camera zoom change listener
Rotate the map by with optional animation.
Scale the map by with optional animation.
Unregister all animators
Map camera anchor value. Default value is NULL meaning center of given map view. Left-top corner is represented as ScreenCoordinate (0.0, 0.0).