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SceneKit rendering on map

Use custom layer to render SceneKit model over terrain.
import UIKit
import SceneKit
import MapboxMaps

final class ViewController: UIViewController {
private var mapView: MapView!
private let modelOrigin = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: -35.39847, longitude: 148.9819)
private var cancelables = Set<AnyCancelable>()

override func viewDidLoad() {

let camera = CameraOptions(center: modelOrigin,
zoom: 18,
bearing: 180,
pitch: 60)
let options = MapInitOptions(cameraOptions: camera, styleURI: .streets)

mapView = MapView(frame: view.bounds, mapInitOptions: options)
mapView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]

mapView.mapboxMap.onStyleLoaded.observeNext { _ in

}.store(in: &cancelables)

func addModelAndTerrain() {
try! mapView.mapboxMap.addCustomLayer(
withId: "Custom",
layerHost: ViewControllerCustomLayerHost(
modelOrigin: modelOrigin,
renderingWillEndHandler: { [weak self] in }),
layerPosition: .below("waterway-label"))

var demSource = RasterDemSource(id: "mapbox-dem")
demSource.url = "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-terrain-dem-v1"
demSource.tileSize = 512
demSource.maxzoom = 14.0

try! mapView.mapboxMap.addSource(demSource)

let terrain = Terrain(sourceId:
try! mapView.mapboxMap.setTerrain(terrain)

var skyLayer = SkyLayer(id: "sky-layer")
skyLayer.skyType = .constant(.atmosphere)
skyLayer.skyAtmosphereSun = .constant([0, 0])
skyLayer.skyAtmosphereSunIntensity = .constant(15.0)

try! mapView.mapboxMap.addLayer(skyLayer)

// Re-use terrain source for hillshade
let properties = [
"id": "terrain_hillshade",
"type": "hillshade",
"hillshade-illumination-anchor": "map"
] as [ String: Any ]

try! mapView.mapboxMap.addLayer(with: properties, layerPosition: .below("water"))

final class ViewControllerCustomLayerHost: NSObject, CustomLayerHost {
let modelOrigin: CLLocationCoordinate2D
var renderer: SCNRenderer!
var scene: SCNScene!
var modelNode: SCNNode!
var cameraNode: SCNNode!
var textNode: SCNNode!
var useCPUOcclusion = false
let renderingWillEndHandler: () -> Void

init(modelOrigin: CLLocationCoordinate2D, renderingWillEndHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
self.modelOrigin = modelOrigin
self.renderingWillEndHandler = renderingWillEndHandler

func renderingWillStart(_ metalDevice: MTLDevice, colorPixelFormat: UInt, depthStencilPixelFormat: UInt) {
renderer = SCNRenderer(device: metalDevice)
scene = SCNScene()
renderer.scene = scene

modelNode = SCNScene(named: "34M_17")?.rootNode.clone()

cameraNode = SCNNode()
let camera = SCNCamera() = camera
camera.usesOrthographicProjection = false
renderer.pointOfView = cameraNode
// In order to use depth occlusion, align with gl-native Z handling (doesn't use reverse Z).
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
renderer.usesReverseZ = false
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions, disable depth in render()
self.useCPUOcclusion = true

func setupLight() {
// Ambient light
let ambientLight = SCNNode()
ambientLight.light = SCNLight()
ambientLight.light?.type = SCNLight.LightType.ambient
ambientLight.light?.color = UIColor(white: 0.4, alpha: 1.0)

let lightNode = SCNNode()
lightNode.light = SCNLight()
lightNode.light?.type = SCNLight.LightType.directional
lightNode.light?.orthographicScale = 30
lightNode.light?.color = UIColor(white: 0.8, alpha: 1.0)
lightNode.position = SCNVector3Make(-50, 100, 100)
lightNode.light?.zNear = 1
lightNode.light?.zFar = 1000
lightNode.light?.intensity = 2000
lightNode.look(at: modelNode.worldPosition)
let pointNode = SCNNode()
pointNode.light = SCNLight()
pointNode.light?.type = SCNLight.LightType.omni
pointNode.light?.intensity = 3000
pointNode.position = SCNVector3Make(0, 25, 0)

func makeTranslationMatrix(tx: Double, ty: Double, tz: Double) -> simd_double4x4 {
var matrix = matrix_identity_double4x4

matrix[3, 0] = tx
matrix[3, 1] = ty
matrix[3, 2] = tz

return matrix

func makeScaleMatrix(xScale: Double, yScale: Double, zScale: Double) -> simd_double4x4 {
var matrix = matrix_identity_double4x4

matrix[0, 0] = xScale
matrix[1, 1] = yScale
matrix[2, 2] = zScale

return matrix

func render(_ parameters: CustomLayerRenderParameters, mtlCommandBuffer: MTLCommandBuffer, mtlRenderPassDescriptor: MTLRenderPassDescriptor) {
guard let colorTexture = mtlRenderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture else {
let m = parameters.projectionMatrix

// It is essential to use double precision for computation below: using simd instead
// of SceneKit matrix operations.
var transformSimd = matrix_identity_double4x4
transformSimd[0, 0] = m[0].doubleValue
transformSimd[0, 1] = m[1].doubleValue
transformSimd[0, 2] = m[2].doubleValue
transformSimd[0, 3] = m[3].doubleValue
transformSimd[1, 0] = m[4].doubleValue
transformSimd[1, 1] = m[5].doubleValue
transformSimd[1, 2] = m[6].doubleValue
transformSimd[1, 3] = m[7].doubleValue
transformSimd[2, 0] = m[8].doubleValue
transformSimd[2, 1] = m[9].doubleValue
transformSimd[2, 2] = m[10].doubleValue
transformSimd[2, 3] = m[11].doubleValue
transformSimd[3, 0] = m[12].doubleValue
transformSimd[3, 1] = m[13].doubleValue
transformSimd[3, 2] = m[14].doubleValue
transformSimd[3, 3] = m[15].doubleValue

// Model is using metric unit system: scale x and y from meters to mercator and keep z is in meters.
let meterInMercatorCoordinateUnits = 1.0 / (Projection.metersPerPoint(for: modelOrigin.latitude, zoom: CGFloat(parameters.zoom)))
let modelScale = makeScaleMatrix(xScale: meterInMercatorCoordinateUnits, yScale: Double(-meterInMercatorCoordinateUnits), zScale: 1)

// Translate scaled model to model origin (in web mercator coordinates) and elevate to model origin's altitude (in meters).
let origin = Projection.project(modelOrigin, zoomScale: CGFloat(pow(2, parameters.zoom)))
var elevation = 0.0
if let elevationData = parameters.elevationData, let elevationValue = elevationData.getElevationFor(self.modelOrigin) {
elevation = elevationValue.doubleValue
let translateModel = makeTranslationMatrix(tx: origin.x, ty: origin.y, tz: elevation)

let transform = transformSimd * translateModel * modelScale

let scnMat = SCNMatrix4(
m11: Float(transform[0, 0]),
m12: Float(transform[0, 1]),
m13: Float(transform[0, 2]),
m14: Float(transform[0, 3]),
m21: Float(transform[1, 0]),
m22: Float(transform[1, 1]),
m23: Float(transform[1, 2]),
m24: Float(transform[1, 3]),
m31: Float(transform[2, 0]),
m32: Float(transform[2, 1]),
m33: Float(transform[2, 2]),
m34: Float(transform[2, 3]),
m41: Float(transform[3, 0]),
m42: Float(transform[3, 1]),
m43: Float(transform[3, 2]),
m44: Float(transform[3, 3])
)!.projectionTransform = scnMat

// flush automatic SceneKit transaction as SceneKit animation is not running and
// there's need to use transform matrix in this frame (not to have it used with delay).

if self.useCPUOcclusion {
mtlRenderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment = nil
mtlRenderPassDescriptor.stencilAttachment = nil
// Example uses depth buffer to occlude model when e.g. behind the hill.
// If depth buffer (SCNRenderer.usesReverseZ = false) is not available, or if wished to
// to indicate that model is occluded or e.g. implement fade out / fade in model occlusion,
// the example here needs to provide CPU side occlusion implementation, too.
// TODO: this is blocked on
renderer.render(withViewport: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: CGFloat(colorTexture.width), height: CGFloat(colorTexture.height)), commandBuffer: mtlCommandBuffer, passDescriptor: mtlRenderPassDescriptor)


func renderingWillEnd() {

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