
@interface MBXHttpServiceFactory : NSObject

HTTP service factory.

This class is used to get a pointer/reference to HTTP service platform implementation. In order to set a custom implementation, the client must call setUserDefined() method once before any actual HTTP service is required.

  • Replaces the implementation of the HTTP service with a custom one.

    If a default implementation has been created or previous a user defined implementation has been set already, it will be replaced. The factory maintains a strong reference to the provided implementation which can be released with the reset() method.



    + (void)setUserDefinedForCustom:(nonnull id<MBXHttpServiceInterface>)custom;
  • Releases the implementation of the HTTP service.

    The strong reference from the factory to a custom HTTP service implementation will be released. This can be used to release the HTTP service implementation once it is no longer needed. It may otherwise be kept until the end of the program.



    + (void)reset;
  • Returns an instance of the HTTP service.

    If a user defined implementation has been set with setUserDefined(), it will be returned. Otherwise, a default implementation is allocated on the first call of after a call to reset(). The default implementation is kept until a call to reset() or setUserDefined() releases it.



    + (nonnull id<MBXHttpServiceInterface>)getInstance;