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style-optimized vector tiles

Style-optimized vector tiles remove any layers or features in a tile that are not represented by a given Mapbox style. Style-optimized vector tiles are smaller than tiles that are not style-optimized and can reduce the size of offline caches.

For example, say you have a style that references a tileset with four layers: campsites, mountains, forestland, and buildings. The final map includes icons for campsites, a pattern for forests, and a pattern for blue mountains, but does not use buildings. In a normal Mapbox GL map, the tiles loaded include all four layers even though they aren’t all needed. A style-optimized vector tile includes only campsites, forestland, and blue mountains. It removes unused layers and features based on attributes and zoom levels.

illustration comparing normal vector tilesets on the left and style-optimized vector tilesets on the right

Style-optimized vector tiles are available through the Mapbox Vector Tiles API. In a Vector Tiles API request, you can request style-optimized tiles by adding the style parameter:

You can use style-optimized vector tilesets in Mapbox GL JS by adding ?optimize=true to the end of your style URL:

const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
'mapbox://styles/mapbox/outdoors-v12?optimize=true' // optimize=true

You should not use ?optimize=true if you plan to add any style layers at runtime that rely on a source layer that is in a tileset that is defined as a source in the style JSON, but not used in the initial style.

For example, if your application uses the Mapbox Streets v11 style (which includes the tilesets mapbox.mapbox-streets-v8 and mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2) and you want to add contour lines client-side based on a user's preference, you should not use style-optimized vector tiles. Because the contour source layer is not used in the Mapbox Streets v11 style when it is initially loaded, it will not be available as a source-layer when adding to a new "Contours" layer to the style.

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