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Raster Tiles API

The Mapbox Raster Tiles API serves raster tiles. Each API request results in a single tile from a raster tileset like Mapbox Satellite or another Mapbox-hosted raster tileset. Raster Tiles API requests are typically made as a series of requests used to make slippy maps.

A sample Raster Tiles API request looks like:

The Raster Tiles API has optional parameters that can be used to refine the results of a request.

Raster Tiles API requests and map loads

Web maps using raster tilesets are billed by Raster Tiles API requests. This includes web maps built with Leaflet and a variety of other third-party applications. Mapbox GL JS web maps using a Mapbox GL JS version before v1.0.0 and one or more raster source will also be billed by Raster Tiles API requests.

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