Maps that use Mapbox map designs, data or software usually must display the Mapbox logo and text attribution. This guide explains when, why, and how you are required to add these forms of attribution, and any exceptions.
Mapbox static map with custom attribution and logo applied.
How attribution works
Mapbox requires two types of attribution: a logo and text attribution.
Mapbox logo
The Mapbox logo is a small image containing the stylized word "Mapbox". It typically resides on the bottom left corner of a map. While you may move the logo to a different corner of the map, we require the Mapbox logo to appear on our maps so that Mapbox and its maps get proper credit.
Text attribution
The text attribution contains at least three links: © Mapbox
, © OpenStreetMap
and Improve this map
. You must properly attribute and link Mapbox and OpenStreetMap when using the Mapbox Streets tileset. Some other Mapbox-provided tilesets require additional attribution which is stored in the TileJSON of the tileset. If you are using Mapbox software to render a map based entirely on data from a non-Mapbox source, you may omit the text attribution but must still display the Mapbox logo.
When do you have to provide attribution?
Maps using Mapbox map styles or data supplied by Mapbox must display both the Mapbox logo and text attribution. This includes:
- Maps using a Mapbox template style such as Mapbox Streets, Mapbox Outdoors or Mapbox Light, or a style derived from those styles.
- Maps using a Mapbox tileset, such as Mapbox Streets, Mapbox Terrain, and Mapbox Satellite.
You must also display the Mapbox logo if your map uses a custom style or custom data hosted by Mapbox. (This is the case for most maps built with Mapbox Studio.) If you do not use Mapbox styles or data supplied by Mapbox, you may omit text attribution but must still include the Mapbox logo.
Adding attribution
When creating a map with Mapbox tools, attribution is usually added automatically, but it may not be added in every case! Depending on how you publish your map, you may need to add attribution manually.
Note: You can adjust the font color and size of the attribution to match your theme, but attribution must be legible. You may not style the Mapbox logo.
Mapbox Studio
When viewing a share URL generated with Mapbox Studio, the Mapbox logo and attribution will be included automatically.
Mapbox GL JS
Maps created with Mapbox GL JS will automatically include attribution on the bottom right corner of the map. For additional display options, see the API documentation for AttributionControl
Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS
Maps that use the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS will include an information button that reveals an action sheet when tapped.
By default, the information button is located on the bottom right of the map. You may move the information button to a different position within the map view. For display options, see the API documentation for the AttributionButtonOptions
Mapbox includes this built-in information button for your convenience. If you decide not to use it, you must include attribution on the map in a text format. The attribution must include © Mapbox
as a link to
, "© OpenStreetMap"
as a link to
, and "Improve this map"
as a link to{lng}/{lat}/{zoom}
, where lng
, lat
and zoom
are current longitude, latitude and zoom level of the map correspondingly. If you choose to use one of our Satellite styles, you must also include © Maxar
as a link to
. Note that in the future, Mapbox may update the information on the action sheet and require additional attribution to our suppliers.
Additionally, you must provide a telemetry opt-out option elsewhere in your application if you do not plan to use the built-in information button. Custom approaches to this rule must be reviewed and approved by Mapbox. Get in touch with us if you would like to explore this option.
Mapbox Maps SDK for Android
Maps that use the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android include a Mapbox logo and an information button automatically. The information button reveals an attribution panel when tapped.
By default, the Mapbox logo and information button are located on the bottom left of the map. You may move these elements to a different position, but they must stay on the map view. For display options, see the API documentation for the AttributionSettings
class. You may also reposition these elements within the activity’s XML layout.
Mapbox includes this built-in information button for your convenience. If you decide not to use it, you must include attribution on the map in a text format. The attribution must include © Mapbox
as a link to
, "© OpenStreetMap"
as a link to
, and "Improve this map"
as a link to{lng}/{lat}/{zoom}
, where lng
, lat
and zoom
are current longitude, latitude and zoom level of the map correspondingly. If you choose to use one of our Satellite styles, you must also include © Maxar
as a link to
. Note that in the future, Mapbox may update the information on the attribution panel and require additional attribution to our suppliers.
Additionally, you must provide a telemetry opt-out option elsewhere in your application if you choose not to use the built-in information button. Custom approaches to this rule must be reviewed and approved by Mapbox. Get in touch with us if you would like to explore this option.
Mapbox Maps SDK for Unity
You must include the Mapbox logo and attribution notice on any map that uses the Mapbox Maps SDK for Unity. We provide an Attribution
prefab with the Maps SDK for Unity that includes all required information. This prefab utilizes UGUI for integration and customization.
You may adjust the position of the Mapbox logo and attribution notice, but they must stay visible on the map. You may also change the background (transparent by default) and text color of the text attribution notice to match your design aesthetics, but all information must be legible.
You may not otherwise alter the Mapbox logo or text attribution notice.
Static & print
You may only print any Japan map data in Mapbox Streets v8 or later for educational or private uses.If you have questions about your implementation, contact us.
Static and print maps need to be attributed in the same fashion as you would cite a photograph: in a textual description near the image. If you can include HTML, use this code snippet that includes links to Mapbox & OpenStreetMap:
© <a href="">Mapbox</a> ©
<a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>
><a href="" target="_blank"
>Improve this map</a
Images generated from the Mapbox Studio print export option also require Mapbox attribution. For prints, where you can't include links, use the Mapbox logo and this text-only attribution:
© Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
To get the Mapbox logo in various formats and styles, download the Mapbox logo file on our Press page.
To print images generated from the Mapbox Studio print export option for any use, contact us.
For prints where you can't include links, use the Mapbox logo and this text-only attribution:
© Mapbox, © OpenStreetMap
Include information about the links
as text in packaging or on a label, for example:
Prints use map data from Mapbox and OpenStreetMap and their data sources. To learn more, visit and
If you are selling prints online, include this information on the product page and include live links.
For artwork, housewares, clothing, or other products, you may place the attribution on the side, back, or bottom of the product. Or, you may place it on a label or tag. Include information about the links
as text in packaging or on a label. If you are selling the products online, include the live links on the product page.
Other mapping frameworks
If you are using Mapbox maps with another open source library, like Leaflet or OpenLayers, the Mapbox logo and attribution are still required. These libraries may not automatically add necessary attribution, so you'll need to add it yourself. To get the Mapbox logo in various formats and styles, download the Mapbox logo file on our Press page.
To provide users with a good experience, the "Improve this map" link should also include the current coordinates and zoom level of the map. Example:{lng}/{lat}/{zoom}
where lng
, lat
and zoom
are current longitude, latitude and zoom level of the map correspondingly
With Leaflet, you can attribute Mapbox and OpenStreetMap with the attribution
control, using the addAttribution()
// This assumes your map is the constant 'map'
const credits = L.control.attribution().addTo(map);
`© <a href="">Mapbox</a> © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Improve this map</a></strong>`
If you're using a mapping library without an attribution control, you will need to insert the HTML attribution and Mapbox logo with the code below. Use the following HTML and CSS to the logo and attribution manually:
<div id="map">
<a href="" className="mapbox-logo" target="_blank"
<div className="mapbox-attribution-container">
<a href="">© Mapbox | </a>
<a href="">© OpenStreetMap | </a>
<a href="" target="_blank"
><strong>Improve this map</strong></a
#map {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
.mapbox-attribution-container {
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
position: absolute;
display: block;
margin: 0 10px 5px;
.mapbox-logo {
position: absolute;
display: block;
height: 20px;
width: 65px;
left: 10px;
bottom: 10px;
text-indent: -9999px;
z-index: 99999;
overflow: hidden;
/* `background-image` contains the Mapbox logo */
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 0 0;
background-size: 65px 20px;
When you're not using a map
Some Mapbox services can be used off of a Mapbox map. You are responsible for providing the correct attribution for the Mapbox services that you use. This attribution must be displayed prominently next to the Mapbox service that you are using.
The following code is intended to give you a starting point for how to add attribution for Mapbox services if you are not using those services directly on a map. Mapbox cannot provide you with specific guidelines on how to add attribution since the final implementation will be dependent on your use case and your configuration details. In this example, the Mapbox service being used is the Directions API, and the attribution is placed at the end of the list of instructions.
<div>Directions content goes here!</div>
<div style="border: 2px solid black;padding: 3px;">
Directions powered by
<a href=""
viewBox="0 0 81 20"
style="width: 81px; height: 20px; vertical-align: middle;"
d="M9.07917722,0.0888888889 C4.06575949,0.0888888889 0,4.52222222 0,9.98888889 C0,15.4555556 4.06575949,19.8888889 9.07917722,19.8888889 C14.0925949,19.8888889 18.1583544,15.4555556 18.1583544,9.98888889 C18.1583544,4.52222222 14.0925949,0.0888888889 9.07917722,0.0888888889 Z M55.7284177,2.27777778 C55.6061392,2.27777778 55.5042405,2.38888889 55.5042405,2.52222222 L55.5042405,13.9888889 C55.5042405,14.1222222 55.6061392,14.2333333 55.7284177,14.2333333 L57.0938608,14.2333333 C57.2161392,14.2333333 57.318038,14.1222222 57.318038,13.9888889 L57.318038,13.2 C58.0211392,14 58.9891772,14.4555556 59.9979747,14.4555556 C62.1276582,14.4555556 63.8599367,12.4555556 63.8599367,9.97777778 C63.8599367,7.5 62.1276582,5.51111111 59.9979747,5.51111111 C58.9789873,5.51111111 58.0109494,5.96666667 57.318038,6.76666667 L57.318038,2.52222222 C57.318038,2.38888889 57.2161392,2.27777778 57.0938608,2.27777778 L55.7284177,2.27777778 Z M10.0166456,3.93333333 C11.1782911,3.96666667 12.3501266,4.46666667 13.2468354,5.45555556 C15.050443,7.42222222 15.1115823,10.5333333 13.3894937,12.4222222 C10.2815823,15.8111111 4.74848101,14.7222222 4.74848101,14.7222222 C4.74848101,14.7222222 3.74987342,8.68888889 6.85778481,5.3 C7.72392405,4.36666667 8.86518987,3.91111111 10.0166456,3.93333333 Z M26.3510127,5.51111111 C25.515443,5.51111111 24.7308228,5.95555556 24.231519,6.68888889 L24.231519,5.97777778 C24.231519,5.84444444 24.1296203,5.73333333 24.0073418,5.73333333 L22.6418987,5.73333333 C22.5196203,5.73333333 22.4177215,5.84444444 22.4177215,5.97777778 L22.4177215,14 C22.4177215,14.1333333 22.5196203,14.2444444 22.6418987,14.2444444 L24.0073418,14.2444444 C24.1296203,14.2444444 24.231519,14.1333333 24.231519,14 L24.231519,9.2 C24.2824684,8.12222222 24.9651899,7.27777778 25.8007595,7.27777778 C26.6668987,7.27777778 27.3903797,8.06666667 27.3903797,9.11111111 L27.3903797,14 C27.3903797,14.1333333 27.4922785,14.2444444 27.614557,14.2444444 L28.9901899,14.2444444 C29.1124684,14.2444444 29.2143671,14.1333333 29.2143671,14 L29.2041772,9.01111111 C29.3264557,8.03333333 29.9786076,7.27777778 30.7632278,7.27777778 C31.6293671,7.27777778 32.3528481,8.06666667 32.3528481,9.11111111 L32.3528481,14 C32.3528481,14.1333333 32.4547468,14.2444444 32.5770253,14.2444444 L33.9526582,14.2444444 C34.0749367,14.2444444 34.1768354,14.1333333 34.1768354,14 L34.1666456,8.48888889 C34.1972152,6.84444444 32.9132911,5.51111111 31.3236709,5.51111111 C30.3046835,5.52222222 29.3672152,6.16666667 28.9290506,7.17777778 C28.419557,6.14444444 27.4311392,5.5 26.3510127,5.51111111 L26.3510127,5.51111111 Z M39.3838608,5.51111111 C37.2541772,5.51111111 35.5218987,7.51111111 35.5218987,9.98888889 C35.5218987,12.4666667 37.2541772,14.4666667 39.3838608,14.4666667 C40.4028481,14.4666667 41.3708861,14.0111111 42.0637975,13.2111111 L42.0637975,14 C42.0637975,14.1333333 42.1656962,14.2444444 42.2879747,14.2444444 L43.6534177,14.2444444 C43.7756962,14.2444444 43.8775949,14.1333333 43.8775949,14 L43.8775949,5.97777778 C43.8877848,5.84444444 43.7858861,5.73333333 43.6534177,5.73333333 L42.2879747,5.73333333 C42.1656962,5.73333333 42.0637975,5.84444444 42.0637975,5.97777778 L42.0637975,6.76666667 C41.3606962,5.96666667 40.3926582,5.51111111 39.3838608,5.51111111 Z M50.1953165,5.51111111 C49.1763291,5.51111111 48.2082911,5.96666667 47.5153797,6.76666667 L47.5153797,5.97777778 C47.5153797,5.84444444 47.413481,5.73333333 47.2912025,5.73333333 L45.9257595,5.73333333 C45.803481,5.73333333 45.7015823,5.84444444 45.7015823,5.97777778 L45.7015823,17.4444444 C45.7015823,17.5777778 45.803481,17.6888889 45.9257595,17.6888889 L47.2912025,17.6888889 C47.413481,17.6888889 47.5153797,17.5777778 47.5153797,17.4444444 L47.5153797,13.2 C48.218481,14 49.186519,14.4555556 50.1953165,14.4555556 C52.325,14.4555556 54.0572785,12.4555556 54.0572785,9.97777778 C54.0572785,7.5 52.325,5.51111111 50.1953165,5.51111111 Z M69.0975316,5.51111111 C66.7844304,5.51111111 64.9196835,7.51111111 64.9196835,9.98888889 C64.9196835,12.4666667 66.7946203,14.4666667 69.0975316,14.4666667 C71.400443,14.4666667 73.2753797,12.4666667 73.2753797,9.98888889 C73.2753797,7.51111111 71.4106329,5.51111111 69.0975316,5.51111111 Z M73.7237342,5.73333333 C73.6116456,5.73333333 73.5199367,5.83333333 73.5199367,5.95555556 C73.5199367,6 73.5301266,6.04444444 73.5505063,6.07777778 L75.8941772,9.96666667 L73.5199367,13.9 C73.4587975,14 73.4791772,14.1444444 73.5810759,14.2111111 C73.6116456,14.2333333 73.6524051,14.2444444 73.6931646,14.2444444 L75.2725949,14.2444444 C75.3948734,14.2444444 75.506962,14.1777778 75.5681013,14.0666667 L76.9743038,11.5 L78.3805063,14.0666667 C78.4416456,14.1777778 78.5537342,14.2444444 78.6760127,14.2444444 L80.255443,14.2444444 C80.3675316,14.2444444 80.4592405,14.1444444 80.4592405,14.0222222 C80.4592405,13.9777778 80.4490506,13.9444444 80.4286709,13.9 L78.0544304,9.96666667 L80.3981013,6.07777778 C80.4592405,5.97777778 80.4388608,5.83333333 80.336962,5.76666667 C80.3063924,5.74444444 80.2656329,5.73333333 80.2248734,5.73333333 L78.645443,5.73333333 C78.5231646,5.73333333 78.4110759,5.8 78.3499367,5.91111111 L76.9743038,8.43333333 L75.5986709,5.91111111 C75.5375316,5.8 75.425443,5.73333333 75.3031646,5.73333333 L73.7237342,5.73333333 Z M10.1185443,5.88888889 L9.23202532,7.88888889 L7.40803797,8.85555556 L9.23202532,9.82222222 L10.1185443,11.8222222 L11.0152532,9.82222222 L12.8392405,8.85555556 L11.0152532,7.88888889 L10.1185443,5.88888889 Z M39.6997468,7.3 C40.9938608,7.3 42.0434177,8.48888889 42.0637975,9.95555556 L42.0637975,10.0222222 C42.0536076,11.4888889 40.9938608,12.6777778 39.6997468,12.6777778 C38.395443,12.6777778 37.3356962,11.4777778 37.3356962,9.98888889 C37.3356962,8.5 38.395443,7.3 39.6997468,7.3 L39.6997468,7.3 Z M49.8692405,7.3 C51.1735443,7.3 52.2332911,8.5 52.2332911,9.98888889 C52.2332911,11.4777778 51.1735443,12.6777778 49.8692405,12.6777778 C48.5751266,12.6777778 47.5255696,11.4888889 47.5051899,10.0222222 L47.5051899,9.95555556 C47.5255696,8.48888889 48.5751266,7.3 49.8692405,7.3 L49.8692405,7.3 Z M59.6820886,7.3 C60.9863924,7.3 62.0461392,8.5 62.0461392,9.98888889 C62.0461392,11.4777778 60.9863924,12.6777778 59.6820886,12.6777778 C58.3879747,12.6777778 57.3384177,11.4888889 57.318038,10.0222222 L57.318038,9.95555556 C57.3384177,8.48888889 58.3879747,7.3 59.6820886,7.3 L59.6820886,7.3 Z M69.0771519,7.3 C70.3814557,7.3 71.4412025,8.5 71.4412025,9.98888889 C71.4412025,11.4777778 70.3814557,12.6777778 69.0771519,12.6777778 C67.7728481,12.6777778 66.7131013,11.4777778 66.7131013,9.98888889 C66.7131013,8.5 67.7728481,7.3 69.0771519,7.3 Z"
>, <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>
Sample Directions App
Start: Head west.
- Turn left onto Northeast 7th Avenue.
- Make a slight right to stay on Northeast 7th Avenue.
- Turn right.
End: You have arrived at your destination, on the left.
When you're using a non-Mapbox map
If you are using Mapbox services on a non-Mapbox map, these Mapbox services must be properly attributed. You are responsible for providing the correct attribution for the Mapbox services that you use. This attribution must be displayed prominently on or next to the non-Mapbox map you are using.
The following code is intended to give you a starting point for how to add attribution for Mapbox services if you are using them on a non-Mapbox map. Mapbox cannot provide you with specific guidelines on how to add attribution since the final implementation will be dependent on your use case and your configuration details. In this example, the Mapbox service being used is the Isochrone API, and the attribution is placed below the non-Mapbox map.
<div id="map"></div>
<div style="margin: 0 10%;float: right;">
Isochrones powered by
<a href=""
viewBox="0 0 81 20"
style="width: 81px; height: 20px; vertical-align: middle;"
d="M9.07917722,0.0888888889 C4.06575949,0.0888888889 0,4.52222222 0,9.98888889 C0,15.4555556 4.06575949,19.8888889 9.07917722,19.8888889 C14.0925949,19.8888889 18.1583544,15.4555556 18.1583544,9.98888889 C18.1583544,4.52222222 14.0925949,0.0888888889 9.07917722,0.0888888889 Z M55.7284177,2.27777778 C55.6061392,2.27777778 55.5042405,2.38888889 55.5042405,2.52222222 L55.5042405,13.9888889 C55.5042405,14.1222222 55.6061392,14.2333333 55.7284177,14.2333333 L57.0938608,14.2333333 C57.2161392,14.2333333 57.318038,14.1222222 57.318038,13.9888889 L57.318038,13.2 C58.0211392,14 58.9891772,14.4555556 59.9979747,14.4555556 C62.1276582,14.4555556 63.8599367,12.4555556 63.8599367,9.97777778 C63.8599367,7.5 62.1276582,5.51111111 59.9979747,5.51111111 C58.9789873,5.51111111 58.0109494,5.96666667 57.318038,6.76666667 L57.318038,2.52222222 C57.318038,2.38888889 57.2161392,2.27777778 57.0938608,2.27777778 L55.7284177,2.27777778 Z M10.0166456,3.93333333 C11.1782911,3.96666667 12.3501266,4.46666667 13.2468354,5.45555556 C15.050443,7.42222222 15.1115823,10.5333333 13.3894937,12.4222222 C10.2815823,15.8111111 4.74848101,14.7222222 4.74848101,14.7222222 C4.74848101,14.7222222 3.74987342,8.68888889 6.85778481,5.3 C7.72392405,4.36666667 8.86518987,3.91111111 10.0166456,3.93333333 Z M26.3510127,5.51111111 C25.515443,5.51111111 24.7308228,5.95555556 24.231519,6.68888889 L24.231519,5.97777778 C24.231519,5.84444444 24.1296203,5.73333333 24.0073418,5.73333333 L22.6418987,5.73333333 C22.5196203,5.73333333 22.4177215,5.84444444 22.4177215,5.97777778 L22.4177215,14 C22.4177215,14.1333333 22.5196203,14.2444444 22.6418987,14.2444444 L24.0073418,14.2444444 C24.1296203,14.2444444 24.231519,14.1333333 24.231519,14 L24.231519,9.2 C24.2824684,8.12222222 24.9651899,7.27777778 25.8007595,7.27777778 C26.6668987,7.27777778 27.3903797,8.06666667 27.3903797,9.11111111 L27.3903797,14 C27.3903797,14.1333333 27.4922785,14.2444444 27.614557,14.2444444 L28.9901899,14.2444444 C29.1124684,14.2444444 29.2143671,14.1333333 29.2143671,14 L29.2041772,9.01111111 C29.3264557,8.03333333 29.9786076,7.27777778 30.7632278,7.27777778 C31.6293671,7.27777778 32.3528481,8.06666667 32.3528481,9.11111111 L32.3528481,14 C32.3528481,14.1333333 32.4547468,14.2444444 32.5770253,14.2444444 L33.9526582,14.2444444 C34.0749367,14.2444444 34.1768354,14.1333333 34.1768354,14 L34.1666456,8.48888889 C34.1972152,6.84444444 32.9132911,5.51111111 31.3236709,5.51111111 C30.3046835,5.52222222 29.3672152,6.16666667 28.9290506,7.17777778 C28.419557,6.14444444 27.4311392,5.5 26.3510127,5.51111111 L26.3510127,5.51111111 Z M39.3838608,5.51111111 C37.2541772,5.51111111 35.5218987,7.51111111 35.5218987,9.98888889 C35.5218987,12.4666667 37.2541772,14.4666667 39.3838608,14.4666667 C40.4028481,14.4666667 41.3708861,14.0111111 42.0637975,13.2111111 L42.0637975,14 C42.0637975,14.1333333 42.1656962,14.2444444 42.2879747,14.2444444 L43.6534177,14.2444444 C43.7756962,14.2444444 43.8775949,14.1333333 43.8775949,14 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