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Map Matching API

Map Matching API version

This documentation is for v5 of the Map Matching API. For information about the earlier version, see the v4 documentation or view the changelog.

The Mapbox Map Matching API snaps fuzzy, inaccurate traces from a GPS unit or a phone to the OpenStreetMap road and path network using the Directions API. This produces clean paths that can be displayed on a map or used for other analysis.

Turn-by-turn directions in the Map Matching API

The Map Matching API can also return a full directions response to queries using the optional steps parameter. If you plan use the Map Matching API to return turn-by-turn directions, note that it does not consider all road rules and traffic conditions. To access up-to-date traffic and road conditions for navigation purposes, use the Mapbox Directions API.

Retrieve a match


Return a path on the road and path network that is closest to the input traces.

Required parametersTypeDescription
profilestringA Mapbox Directions routing profile ID.
Profile IDDescription
mapbox/drivingCar travel times, distances, or both.
mapbox/walkingPedestrian and hiking travel times, distances, or both
mapbox/cyclingBicycle travel times, distances, or both
mapbox/driving-trafficCar travel times, distances, or both as informed by traffic data
coordinatesnumber or stringA semicolon-separated list of {longitude},{latitude} coordinate pairs to visit in order.
Or OpenLR encoded string where openlr_spec describes the used specification and openlr_format describes the binary format. OpenLR strings are useful when using routes built on platforms outside of Mapbox.
If specified as coordinate pairs there can be between 2 and 100 coordinates.
If specified as OpenLR string length, the OpenLR string can be not greater than 500 (which is 50 coordinates)

You can further refine the results from this endpoint with the following optional parameters:

Optional parametersTypeDescription
annotationsstringReturn additional metadata along the route. You can include several annotations as a comma-separated list. Must be used in combination with overview=full.
Possible valuesDescription
distanceThe distance between each pair of coordinates, in meters.
durationThe duration between each pair of coordinates, in seconds.
speedThe speed between each pair of coordinates, in meters per second.
congestionThe level of congestion between each entry in the array of coordinate pairs in the route leg. This annotation is only available for the mapbox/driving-traffic profile.
congestion_numericThe numeric level of congestion between each entry in the array of coordinate pairs in the route leg. This annotation is only available for the mapbox/driving-traffic profile.
The maximum speed limit between the coordinates of a segment. This annotation is only available for the mapbox/driving and mapbox/driving-traffic profiles.
See the route leg object for more details on what is included with annotations.
approachesstringA semicolon-separated list indicating the side of the road from which to approach waypoints in a requested route. Accepts unrestricted (default, route can arrive at the waypoint from either side of the road) or curb (route will arrive at the waypoint on the driving_side of the region). If provided, the number of approaches must be the same as the number of waypoints. But, you can skip a coordinate and show its position in the list with the ; separator. If waypoints is not specified (so all coordinates are treated as waypoints), the list of approaches must be the same length as the list of coordinates. Must be used in combination with steps=true.
geometriesstringThe format of the returned geometry. Allowed values are: geojson (as LineString), polyline (default, a polyline with precision 5), and polyline6 (a polyline with precision 6).
overviewstringThe type of returned overview geometry. Can be full (the most detailed geometry available), simplified (default, a simplified version of the full geometry), or false (no overview geometry).
radiusesnumberA semicolon-separated list indicating the maximum distance a coordinate can be moved to snap to the road network, in meters. If provided, the number of radiuses must be the same as the number of coordinates. But, you can skip a coordinate and show its position in the list with the ; separator. Values can be a number between 0.0 and 50.00. Use higher numbers (20-50) for noisy traces and lower numbers (1-10) for clean traces. The default value is 5. A NoSegment error is returned if no routable road is located within the radius.
stepsbooleanWhether to return steps and turn-by-turn instructions (true) or not (false, default).

Setting steps to true will make the following guidance-related parameters available: banner_instructions, language, roundabout_exits, voice_instructions, voice_units, waypoint_names, and waypoints.
banner_instructionsbooleanWhether to return banner objects associated with the route steps (true) or not (false, default). Must be used in conjunction with steps=true.
languagestringThe language of returned turn-by-turn text instructions. See supported languages. The default is en (English). Must be used in conjunction with steps=true.
roundabout_exitsbooleanWhether to emit instructions at roundabout exits (true) or not (false, default). Without this parameter, roundabout maneuvers are a single instruction that includes both entering and exiting the roundabout. With roundabout_exits=true, this maneuver becomes two instructions, one for entering the roundabout and one for exiting it. Must be used in conjunction with steps=true.
voice_instructionsbooleanWhether to return SSML marked-up text for voice guidance along the route (true) or not (false, default). Must be used in conjunction with steps=true.
voice_unitsstringSpecify which type of units to return in the text for voice instructions. Can be imperial (default) or metric. Must be used in conjunction with steps=true and voice_instructions=true.
tidybooleanWhether to remove clusters and re-samples traces for improved map matching results (true) or not (false, default).
timestampsnumberA semicolon-separated list of numbers in Unix time (in other words, seconds since 1/1/1970 UTC) that correspond to each input coordinate. If provided, the number of timestamps must be the same as the number of coordinates, no coordinates can be skipped, and the timestamps must occur in ascending order. For best results, timestamps should have a sample rate of about 5 seconds.
waypoint_namesstringA semicolon-separated list of custom names for waypoints. These names will be used for the arrival instruction in banners and voice instructions. Values can be any string, and the total number of all characters (including semicolons) cannot exceed 500. The list of waypoint_names must be the same length as the list of waypoints, but you can skip a waypoint and show its position with the ; separator. If waypoints is not specified (so all coordinates are treated as waypoints), the list of waypoint_names must be the same length as the list of coordinates.
waypointsintegerA semicolon-separated list indicating which input coordinates should be treated as waypoints. If a coordinate is treated as a waypoint, it receives arrival and departure events in the match object's route. If a list of waypoints is not provided, all coordinates are treated as waypoints. Each item in the list must be the zero-based index of an input coordinate, and the list must include 0 (the index of the first coordinate) and the index of the last coordinate. Waypoints are most useful in combination with steps=true and requests based on traces with high sample rates.
ignorestringIgnore certain routing restrictions when map matching. You can include several ignore options as a comma-separated list (for example, ignore=access,oneways,restrictions).
Possible valuesDescription
accessIgnore access restrictions related to mode of travel.
onewaysIgnore one-way restrictions.
restrictionsIgnore other restrictions, such as time-based or turn restrictions.
This option is only available for the mapbox/driving profile.
linear_referencesbooleanReturns map-agnostic location identifiers of the roads along a route. When true, a successful response will include a key linear_references, the value of which is an array of base64-encoded OpenLR location references, matched by the input trace. This option is only available for driving and driving-traffic profile.
openlr_specstringThe logical format for OpenLR encoded coordinates translates to how OpenLR attributes are being interpreted. Some data providers may use a different logical data format, as in the same attributes (FRC, FOW) may be interpreted differently.
Possible valuesDescription
tomtomBased on TomTom OpenLR location references,. Read p. 31-40 to learn more about the specification.
hereBased on HERE/TPEG2 specification
The default is tomtom.
This option is only available if coordinates are provided as OpenLR encoded string.
openlr_formatstringBinary format for OpenLR encoded coordinates translates to how an OpenLR input is encoded.
Possible valuesDescription
tomtomBased on TomTom OpenLR location references,. Read p. 43-52 to learn more about the binary format.
The default is tomtom.
This option is only available if coordinates are provided as OpenLR encoded string.
depart_atstringThe departure time from the first coordinates, formatted in one of three ISO 8601 formats: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmss±hh:mm, or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm. In the last format, the timezone is calculated from the first coordinates. If not provided then depart_at is considered to be the present time in the local timezone of the first coordinates. The map-matched route and duration will reflect traffic conditions based on the depart_at time.

Some processing tips to achieve the best results:

  • Timestamps improve the quality of the matching and are highly recommended.
  • The Map Matching API is limited to processing traces with up to 100 coordinates. If you need to process longer traces, you can split the trace and make multiple requests.
  • Clusters of points (like a person waiting at a train crossing for a few minutes) often don't add more information to a trace and can negatively impact map-matching quality. We recommend that you tidy the trace (remove clusters and provide a uniform sample rate). You can use the tidy=true query parameter or process your traces with external tools like geojson-tidy.
  • Map matching works best with a sample rate of 5 seconds between points. If your trace has a higher sample rate, you may want to downsample your trace.
  • With the waypoints parameter specified, traces that would normally return with sub-matches will error. We recommend tidying traces before using them with the waypoints parameter.

Example request: Retrieve a match

# Basic request that returns a match object with route legs between each waypoint

$ curl ",32.71204;-117.17288,32.71225;-117.17293,32.71244;-117.17292,32.71256;-117.17298,32.712603;-117.17314,32.71259;-117.17334,32.71254?access_token=YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"

# Request to access speed limit information using the maxspeed annotation

$ curl ",37.79129;-122.39732,37.79283;-122.39606,37.79349?annotations=maxspeed&overview=full&geometries=geojson&access_token=YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"

# Request with the approaches parameter set to 'curb' for each waypoint

$ curl ",32.71204;-117.17288,32.71225;-117.17293,32.71244;-117.17292,32.71256?approaches=curb;curb;curb;curb&access_token=YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"

# Request with various parameters, returns a match object with one route leg between the first and last waypoints

$ curl ",48.85805;2.34675,48.85727;2.34868,48.85936;2.34955,48.86084;2.34955,48.86088;2.34962,48.86102;2.34982,48.86125?steps=true&tidy=true&waypoints=0;6&waypoint_names=Home;Work&banner_instructions=true&access_token=YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"

# Request with openlr encoded string as coordinates used `tomtom` specification, return the same response the same as for regular coordinates

$ curl ""

# Request with openlr encoded string as coordinates used `here` specification

$ curl ""

URL encoding of OpenLR references

When submitting API requests containing OpenLR references, you must URL encode the reference before passing it in as a parameter. OpenLR references contain unsafe ASCII characters like /, +, and = which must be encoded to produce a valid URL. See W3Schools' page on URL encoding for help with encoding unsafe ASCII characters.

Supported libraries: Retrieve a match

Mapbox wrapper libraries help you integrate Mapbox APIs into your existing application. The following SDKs support this endpoint:

See the SDK documentation for details and examples of how to use the relevant methods to query this endpoint.

Response: Retrieve a match

The match response object contains one or more match objects, as well as one or more tracepoint objects.

codestringA string indicating the state of the response. The potential values are listed in the Map Matching status codes section.
matchingsarrayAn array of match objects.
tracepointsarrayAn array of tracepoint objects that represent the location an input point was matched with, in the order in which they were matched. If a trace point is omitted by the Map Matching API because it is an outlier, the entry will be null.

With clean matches, only one match object is returned. When the algorithm cannot decide the correct match between two points, it will omit that line and return several sub-matches as match objects. The higher the number of sub-match match objects, the more likely it is that the input traces are poorly aligned to the road network.

Example response: Retrieve a match

"matchings": [
"confidence": 4.615758886217236e-10,
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [
[-122.397484, 37.792809],
[-122.39746, 37.792693],
[-122.39745, 37.792645],
[-122.397437, 37.792586],
[-122.397431, 37.792558],
[-122.39741, 37.792466],
[-122.397404, 37.79244],
[-122.397225, 37.792579],
[-122.396623, 37.793057],
[-122.39636, 37.793276],
[-122.396075, 37.793502]
"type": "LineString"
"legs": [
"annotation": {
"maxspeed": [
"speed": 48,
"unit": "km/h"
"speed": 48,
"unit": "km/h"
"speed": 48,
"unit": "km/h"
"speed": 48,
"unit": "km/h"
"speed": 48,
"unit": "km/h"
"speed": 48,
"unit": "km/h"
"unknown": true
"unknown": true
"unknown": true
"unknown": true
"summary": "",
"weight": 153.6,
"duration": 73.6,
"steps": [],
"distance": 207.8
"weight_name": "routability",
"weight": 153.6,
"duration": 73.6,
"distance": 207.8
"tracepoints": [
"alternatives_count": 0,
"waypoint_index": 0,
"matchings_index": 0,
"distance": 14.635568381812668,
"name": "Davis Street",
"location": [-122.397484, 37.792809],
"maxspeed": {
"speed": 48,
"unit": "km/h"
"alternatives_count": 1,
"waypoint_index": 1,
"matchings_index": 0,
"distance": 1.8762601659793365,
"name": "Market Street",
"location": [-122.396075, 37.793502],
"maxspeed": {
"unknown": true
"code": "Ok"

Use HTTP POST to retrieve a match

The Map Matching API also supports access using the HTTP POST method. HTTP POST should be used for large requests, since the Map Matching API has a size limit of approximately 8100 bytes on GET request URLs. POST requests are still subject to your account's request size limits.

Learn more about this process in the Using HTTP POST section.

Match object

A match object is a route object with an additional confidence field:

confidencenumberThe level of confidence in the returned match, from 0 (low) to 1 (high).
distancenumberThe distance traveled, in meters.
durationnumberThe estimated travel time, in seconds.
weightnumberThe weight in units described by weight_name.
weight_namestringThe weight used. The default is routability, which is duration-based, with additional penalties for less desirable maneuvers.
geometrystringDepending on the geometries parameter in the request, this is a GeoJSON LineString or a Polyline string. Depending on the overview parameter in the request, this is the complete route geometry (full), a simplified geometry to the zoom level at which the route can be displayed in full (simplified), or is not included (false).
legsarrayAn array of route leg objects.

(Requires steps=true)
stringThe locale used for voice instructions. Defaults to en (English). See supported languages.
linear_referencesarrayAn array of base64-encoded OpenLR location references, one for each graph edge of the road network matched by the input trace. This key is optional, and present only when linear_references=true in the request.

Example match object

"confidence": 0.9548844020537051,
"distance": 103.7,
"duration": 16.4,
"geometry": "gatfEfidjUi@Le@@Y?E??J?^Hf@",
"legs": []

Tracepoint object

A tracepoint object is a waypoint object with three additional fields: matchings_index, waypoint_index, and alternatives_count.

matchings_indexintegerThe index of the match object in matchings that the sub-trace was matched to.
waypoint_indexintegerThe index of the waypoint inside the matched route.
alternatives_countinteger The number of probable alternative matchings for this trace point. A value of 0 indicates that this point was matched unambiguously. Split the trace at these points for incremental map matching.
namestringThe name of the road or path the coordinate snapped to.
locationarrayAn array that contains the location of the snapped coordinate, in the format [longitude, latitude].

Example tracepoint object

"waypoint_index": 0,
"location": [-117.172836, 32.71204],
"name": "North Harbor Drive",
"matchings_index": 0,
"alternatives_count": 0

Map Matching API errors

On error, the server responds with different HTTP status codes:

  • For responses with HTTP status codes lower than 500, the JSON response body includes the code property, which may be used by client programs to manage control flow. The response body may also include a message property, with a human-readable explanation of the error.
  • If a server error occurs, the HTTP status code will be 500 or higher and the response will not include a code property.
Response body codeHTTP status codeDescription
Ok200Normal case
NoMatch200The input did not produce any matches, or the waypoints requested were not found in the resulting match. features will be an empty array.
NoSegment200No road segment could be matched for one or more coordinates within the supplied radiuses. Check for coordinates that are too far away from a road.
Not Authorized - No Token401No token was used in the query.
Not Authorized - Invalid Token401Check the access token you used in the query.
Forbidden403There may be an issue with your account. Check your Account page for more details.

In some cases, using an access tokens with URL restrictions can also result in a 403 error. For more information, see our Token management guide.
TooManyCoordinates422There are more than 100 points in the regular request, or more than 50 points for OpenLR input.
ProfileNotFound404Needs to be a valid profile (mapbox/driving, mapbox/driving-traffic, mapbox/walking, or mapbox/cycling).
InvalidInput422message will hold an explanation of the invalid input.

Map Matching API restrictions and limits

  • The Map Matching API is limited to 300 requests per minute.
  • Each regular request can have a maximum of 100 coordinates.
  • Each OpenLR request can have a maximum of 50 coordinates.
  • Results must be displayed on a Mapbox map using one of the Mapbox libraries or SDKs.
If you require a higher rate limit,contact us.

Map Matching API pricing

  • Billed by requests
  • See rates and discounts per Map Matching API request in the pricing page's Navigation section

Usage of the Map Matching API is measured in API requests. A request that contains multiple waypoints is billed as a single API request. Details about the number of Map Matching API requests included in the free tier and the cost per request beyond what is included in the free tier are available on the pricing page.

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