Migrate from Java SDK's Geocoder
The Mapbox Search SDK for Android is the recommended way to access the Mapbox Geocoding API on the Android platform. If you've used the Java SDK's Geocoder to integrate search functionality into an existing application, you should switch to Search SDK.
This guide describes the steps required for seamless migration from the Java SDK's Geocoder to the Search SDK v1.
You can find the Search SDK requirements in the Requirements section of the guides.
You can find the definitive instructions on how to configure the Search SDK in your project in the Search SDK installation guide.
Forward geocoding
Forward geocoding converts location text into geographic coordinates, for example turning "2 Lincoln Memorial Circle NW" into -77.050,38.889
Java SDK's Geocoder
To retrieve a geographic coordinate based on location text using the Java SDK's Geocoder:
// Set up a MapboxGeocoding object with a Mapbox access token
// and a String query
MapboxGeocoding geocoding = MapboxGeocoding.builder()
// Execute the forward geocoding request
Search SDK for Android
To retrieve a geographic coordinate using the Search SDK, start by searching for suggestions with a SearchEngine.search(query: String, options: SearchOptions, executor: Executor, callback: SearchSuggestionsCallback)
SearchEngine searchEngine = SearchEngine.createSearchEngine(settings);
SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions.Builder()
searchEngine.search("Washington", options, searchCallback);
val searchEngine = SearchEngine.createSearchEngine(settings)
val options = SearchOptions(
limit = 5
searchEngine.search("Washington", options, searchCallback)
A list of suggestions will be passed to the searchCallback.onSuggestions(suggestions: List<SearchSuggestion>, responseInfo: ResponseInfo)
callback method. If you want to retrieve information about the location of specific suggestion, then you should additionally invoke SearchEngine.select()
final SearchSelectionCallback searchCallback = new SearchSelectionCallback() {
// ...
public void onSuggestions(
@NonNull List<? extends SearchSuggestion> suggestions,
@NonNull ResponseInfo responseInfo
) {
if (suggestions.isEmpty()) {
Log.i("SearchApiExample", "No suggestions found");
} else {
SearchSuggestion suggestion = suggestions.get(0);
Log.i(TAG, "Search suggestion: " + suggestion)
task = searchEngine.select(suggestion, this);
public void onResult(
@NonNull SearchSuggestion suggestion,
@NonNull SearchResult result,
@NonNull ResponseInfo info
) {
Point location = result.getCoordinate();
Log.i(TAG, "Search result's location: " + location);
public void onError(@NonNull Exception e) {
Log.i(TAG, "Search error: ", e);
val searchCallback = object : SearchSelectionCallback {
// ...
override fun onSuggestions(suggestions: List<SearchSuggestion>, responseInfo: ResponseInfo) {
val suggestion = suggestions.firstOrNull()
if (suggestions.isEmpty())
Log.i(TAG, "No search suggestions found")
} else {
val suggestion = suggestions.first()
Log.i(TAG, "Search suggestion: $suggestion")
searchEngine.select(suggestion, this)
override fun onResult(
suggestion: SearchSuggestion,
result: SearchResult,
responseInfo: ResponseInfo
) {
val location = result.coordinate
Log.i(TAG, "Search result's location: $location")
override fun onError(e: Exception) {
Log.i(TAG, "Search error", e)
Forward geocoding allows you to search for places by name.
Reverse geocoding
Reverse geocoding turns geographic coordinates into place names, for example turning -77.050, 38.889
into "2 Lincoln Memorial Circle NW". These location names can vary in specificity, from individual addresses to states and countries that contain the given coordinates.
Java SDK's Geocoder
To retrieve one or more place names at a geographic coordinate using the Java SDK's Geocoder:
// Set up a MapboxGeocoding object with a Mapbox access token
// and a Point query
MapboxGeocoding geocoding = MapboxGeocoding.builder()
.query(Point.fromLngLat(2.294434, 48.858349))
// Execute the reverse geocoding request
Search SDK for Android
To retrieve one or more location names at a geographic coordinate using the Search SDK, use a SearchEngine.search(options: ReverseGeoOptions, executor: Executor, callback: SearchCallback)
SearchEngine searchEngine = SearchEngine.createSearchEngine(settings);
ReverseGeoOptions options = new ReverseGeoOptions.Builder(Point.fromLngLat(2.294434, 48.858349))
searchEngine.search(options, reverseGeoCallback);
val searchEngine = SearchEngine.createSearchEngine(settings)
val options = ReverseGeoOptions(
center = Point.fromLngLat(2.294434, 48.858349),
limit = 1
searchEngine.search(options, reverseGeoCallback)
Reverse geocoding allows you to enter a geographic coordinate and receive the name of one or more places that exist at that location.