class MissingResultFeedbackEvent @JvmOverloads constructor( val responseInfo: ResponseInfo, val text: String? = null, val screenshot: Bitmap? = null, val sessionId: String? = null, val feedbackId: String? = null)
Feedback information for use case, when user can't find appropriate POI / place in received list of com.mapbox.search.result.SearchResult or com.mapbox.search.result.SearchSuggestion from one of search engines.
Link copied to clipboard
fun MissingResultFeedbackEvent( responseInfo: ResponseInfo, text: String? = null, screenshot: Bitmap? = null, sessionId: String? = null, feedbackId: String? = null)
Link copied to clipboard
fun copy( responseInfo: ResponseInfo = this.responseInfo, text: String? = this.text, screenshot: Bitmap? = this.screenshot, sessionId: String? = this.sessionId, feedbackId: String? = this.feedbackId): MissingResultFeedbackEvent
Creates new MissingResultFeedbackEvent from current instance.