
Search options, used for the "Text Search".

See also


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class Builder

Builder for comfortable creation of ForwardSearchOptions instance.


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fun copy(    proximity: Point? = this.proximity,     boundingBox: BoundingBox? = this.boundingBox,     countries: List<IsoCountryCode>? = this.countries,     language: IsoLanguageCode? = this.language,     limit: Int? = this.limit,     types: List<QueryType>? = this.types,     requestDebounce: Int? = this.requestDebounce,     origin: Point? = this.origin,     navigationOptions: SearchNavigationOptions? = this.navigationOptions,     unsafeParameters: Map<String, String>? = this.unsafeParameters,     ignoreIndexableRecords: Boolean = this.ignoreIndexableRecords,     indexableRecordsDistanceThresholdMeters: Double? = this.indexableRecordsDistanceThresholdMeters,     attributeSets: List<AttributeSet>? = this.attributeSets): ForwardSearchOptions

Creates new ForwardSearchOptions from current instance.

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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Request additional metadata attributes besides the basic ones.

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val boundingBox: BoundingBox? = null

Limit results to only those contained within the supplied bounding box. The bounding box cannot cross the 180th meridian (longitude +/-180.0 deg.) and North or South pole (latitude +/- 90.0 deg.).

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val countries: List<IsoCountryCode>? = null

Limit results to one or more countries.

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Specify whether to ignore results or not, default is false. When search by is enabled, the results can be matched only by query string, while other parameters like countries, language, unsafeParameters (and some others) can be ignored.

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Allows to look up for indexable records only within specified distance threshold, i.e. within a circle with this radius. Threshold specified in meters.

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val language: IsoLanguageCode?

Specify the user’s language. This parameter controls the language of the text supplied in responses, and also affects result scoring, with results matching the user’s query in the requested language being preferred over results that match in another language. For example, an autocomplete query for things that start with Frank might return Frankfurt as the first result with an English (en) language parameter, but Frankreich (“France”) with a German (de) language parameter. If language is not set explicitly, then language from default system locale will be used.

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val limit: Int? = null

Specify the maximum number of results to return, including results from The maximum number of search results returned from the server is 10.

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Navigation options used for Estimate Time Arrival (ETA) calculation in the response. When this parameters is specified, either origin or proximity is also should be provided.

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val origin: Point? = null

When ETA calculation is enabled, location from which to calculate distance. When both proximity and origin are provided, origin is interpreted as the target of a route, while proximity indicates the current user location.

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val proximity: Point? = null

Bias the response to favor results that are closer to a specific location. If not provided, the SDK will try to get current location from the SearchEngineSettings.locationProvider. If location is not available, the server we use IP as a proximity.

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val requestDebounce: Int? = null

Request debounce value in milliseconds. Previous request will be cancelled if the new one made within specified by requestDebounce time interval.

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val types: List<QueryType>? = null

Filter results to include only a subset (one or more) of the available feature types. See the Administrative unit types section for details about the types.

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Non-verified query parameters, that will be added to the server API request.