Package-level declarations
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data class BackgroundColor(val primary: DashColor, val secondary: DashColor, val tertiary: DashColor, val quaternary: DashColor, val fade: DashColor, val sidebar: DashColor) : ComposeFactory<DashBackgroundColor>
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data class BorderColor(val primary: DashColor, val accent: DashColor, val red: DashColor) : ComposeFactory<DashBorderColor>
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data class ButtonColor(val primary: DashColor, val secondary: DashColor, val tertiary: DashColor, val quaternary: DashColor, val transparent: DashColor, val red: DashColor) : ComposeFactory<DashButtonColor>
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object ContextThemeWrapperProvider
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data class EvColor(val primaryProgressCheckOut: DashColor, val secondaryProgressCheckOut: DashColor, val backgroundProgress: DashColor, val secondaryProgressTextColor: DashColor) : ComposeFactory<DashEvColor>
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data class GuidanceColor(val primary: DashColor, val onPrimary: DashColor, val onPrimaryInactive: DashColor, val secondary: DashColor, val onSecondary: DashColor, val onSecondaryInactive: DashColor, val tertiary: DashColor, val onTertiary: DashColor, val onTertiaryInactive: DashColor) : ComposeFactory<DashGuidanceColor>
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data class IconCollection(val feedback: IconCollection.Feedback, val marker: IconCollection.Marker) : ComposeFactory<DashIconCollection>
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data class IconTheme(@DrawableRes val arrowLeft: Int, @DrawableRes val arrowRight: Int, @DrawableRes val audioIssues: Int, @DrawableRes val close: Int, @DrawableRes val guidanceIssues: Int, @DrawableRes val positionIssues: Int, @DrawableRes val puck: Int, @DrawableRes val puckShadow: Int, @DrawableRes val recenterNone: Int, @DrawableRes val recenterTracking: Int, @DrawableRes val recenterTrackingNorth: Int, @DrawableRes val recenterRoute: Int, @DrawableRes val report: Int, @DrawableRes val search: Int, @DrawableRes val settings: Int, @DrawableRes val music: Int, @DrawableRes val checkBox: Int, @DrawableRes val tripAdvisor: Int, @DrawableRes val mediaNext: Int, @DrawableRes val mediaPause: Int, @DrawableRes val mediaPlay: Int, @DrawableRes val mediaPrevious: Int, @DrawableRes val noLogo: Int, @DrawableRes val defaulMediaApp: Int, @DrawableRes val mediaNextDisabled: Int, @DrawableRes val mediaPreviousDisabled: Int, @DrawableRes val chargerL2: Int, @DrawableRes val chargerL3: Int, @DrawableRes val border: Int, @DrawableRes val coffee: Int, @DrawableRes val food: Int, @DrawableRes val charging: Int, @DrawableRes val fuel: Int, @DrawableRes val compass: Int, @DrawableRes val sendDebugBundle: Int, @DrawableRes val icBackArrow: Int, @DrawableRes val icCross: Int, @DrawableRes val icPlug: Int)
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data class InsetsCompat(val start: Int = 0, val top: Int = 0, val end: Int = 0, val bottom: Int = 0)
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The class is responsible for notifying the style change to the ThemeManager Thread safe Start observing when refCount 0 Stop when refCount = 0
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Use case notifies a theme configuration change for specific id.
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data class SearchPinStyle(val primary: DashColor, val onPrimary: DashColor, val accent: DashColor, val onAccent: DashColor, @DrawableRes val pinShadow: Int)
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data class SpeedLimitColor(val primary: DashColor, val onPrimary: DashColor, val secondary: DashColor, val onSecondary: DashColor, val accent: DashColor, val onAccent: DashColor) : ComposeFactory<DashSpeedLimitColor>
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interface SystemBarColorHelper
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interface SystemBarColorHelperBuilder
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interface ThemeFactory
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interface ThemeLoader
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object ThemeManager
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A functional interface that defines a theme transformer for an application.
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interface UiModeRepository
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data class WorkingHoursColor(val open: DashColor, val openUntil: DashColor, val closed: DashColor) : ComposeFactory<DashWorkingHoursColor>
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fun Theme.createStrokeDrawable(backgroundColor: DashColor?, strokeColor: DashColor?, stokeWidth: Int, cornerRadii: DashDrawableCornerRadii, inset: Int, shouldHighlightFocus: Boolean = false): Drawable?
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inline fun <T : View> T.observeInsets(insetMask: Int = WindowInsetsCompat.Type.systemBars(), crossinline listener: T.(InsetsCompat) -> Unit)