Package-level declarations


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tailrec fun Context.activity(): Activity?
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fun Context.getColorFromAttr(@AttrRes attrColor: Int, typedValue: TypedValue = TypedValue(), resolveRefs: Boolean = true): Int
fun Resources.Theme.getColorFromAttr(@AttrRes attrColor: Int, typedValue: TypedValue = TypedValue(), resolveRefs: Boolean = true): Int
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fun getHtmlTextFromRaw(context: Context, @RawRes rawId: Int, tagHandler: Html.TagHandler? = null): Spanned
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fun View.hide()
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fun Int.px(context: Context): Double
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Replaces the current view with the given one keeping ViewGroup.LayoutParams and id.

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fun View.setBackgroundDrawable(color: DashColor, radiusPx: Int, shouldHighlightFocus: Boolean = false)
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fun TextView.setDrawableWithIntrinsicBounds(@DrawableRes left: Int = 0, @DrawableRes top: Int = 0, @DrawableRes right: Int = 0, @DrawableRes bottom: Int = 0)
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fun TextView.setHtmlFromRaw(@RawRes rawId: Int, tagHandler: Html.TagHandler? = null)
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fun TextView.setHtmlText(html: String, tagHandler: Html.TagHandler? = null)
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fun View.setStrokeBackgroundDrawable(backgroundColor: DashColor?, strokeColor: DashColor?, radiusPx: Int, widthPx: Int, inset: Int)
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fun utcDate(pattern: String = "yyyy-MM-dd", locale: Locale = Locale.US, date: Date): String
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fun utcHour(pattern: String = "HH", locale: Locale = Locale.US, date: Date): String
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fun utcTimeNow(format: String = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", locale: Locale = Locale.US): String
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suspend fun MapboxNavigationApp.waitUntilInitialized(): MapboxNavigation