Package-level declarations


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fun ConnectorTypeDebugSetting(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, connectorType: ConnectorType = ConnectorType.CCS_COMBO_TYPE1, onConnectorTypeChanged: (ConnectorType) -> Unit = {})
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fun CpoProviderDebugSetting(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, cpoProvider: CpoProvider = CpoProvider.CHARGE_HUB, onCpoProviderChanged: (CpoProvider) -> Unit = {})
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fun LazyListScope.directionsUserDebugSetting(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, value: String, onValueChanged: (String) -> Unit)
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fun LazyListScope.driveModeDebugSetting(driveMode: DriveModeSetting = DriveModeSetting.Parking, onDriveModeChanged: (DriveModeSetting) -> Unit = {})
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fun LazyListScope.elevenLabsDebugSetting(elevenLabsAvailableVoices: Set<DashVoice>, elevenLabsSelectedVoice: DashVoice, onElevenLabsVoiceChanged: (DashVoice) -> Unit)
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fun LazyListScope.engineTypeDebugSetting(engineType: EngineType?, debugEngineType: EngineType?, showEvDataSettings: Boolean, onEngineTypeChanged: (EngineType?) -> Unit, onNavigateTo: (settingsNavDestination: SettingsNavDestination) -> Unit)
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fun EvPreConditioningTimeDebugSetting(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, preConditioningTimeLevel: Int = 0, onPreConditioningTimeLevelChanged: (Int) -> Unit = {})
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fun LazyListScope.hvacLevelDebugSetting(hvacLevel: Float = MIN_HVAC_FAHRENHEIT, onHvacLevelChanged: (Float) -> Unit = {}, unitOfMeasurement: UnitOfMeasurement = UnitOfMeasurement.Imperial)
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fun LegalInfoItem(modifier: Modifier = Modifier)
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fun ProfileInfoDebugSetting(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, profile: String = DEFAULT_PROFILE, onUpdateProfileClicked: (String) -> Unit = {})
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fun LazyListScope.vendorDebugSetting(allVehicleVendors: List<VehicleVendor> = listOf(UnknownVehicleVendor.Unknown), selectedVendor: VehicleVendor = UnknownVehicleVendor.Unknown, onSelectedVendorChanged: (VehicleVendor) -> Unit = {})
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fun LazyListScope.voiceInstructionsDebugSetting(onPlayVoiceClicked: () -> Unit = {}, onPlayVoiceTtsClicked: () -> Unit? = null)