
data class FastChargingEvses(val availableEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), val blockedEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), val chargingEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), val inoperativeEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), val outOfOrderEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), val plannedEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), val removedEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), val reservedEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), val unknownEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList())


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constructor(availableEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), blockedEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), chargingEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), inoperativeEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), outOfOrderEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), plannedEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), removedEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), reservedEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList(), unknownEvses: List<Evse> = emptyList())


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