
Mapbox Copilot is a Navigation SDK component that collects detailed trace files of navigation sessions together with search analytics data.

Copilot collects information that helps you in two different ways:

  • It makes driver feedback more actionable.

  • It provides Mapbox teams with the necessary information to investigate and resolve driver-reported issues and, consequently, helps expedite SDK updates that improve the driver experience for the entire developer community.

Copilot is a MapboxNavigationObserver, so it's tied to the MapboxNavigation lifecycle automatically. We recommended tracking the DeveloperMetadata.copilotSessionId (see DeveloperMetadataObserver) so that Mapbox teams can better act on specific end-user feedback. This ID helps Mapbox teams find the respective traces and troubleshoot issues faster.

Copilot is an opt-in feature (see start and stop), which means you have the choice to enable it for your users (drivers). Depending on the use case, you can enable Copilot for either all drivers (for example, during a pilot) or a subset of them. As the application developer, you are responsible for communicating to drivers about the data that is being collected from their drives, including what kind of data is being collected and when it is collected.

Nav SDK exposes configuration settings (see NavigationOptions.copilotOptions) to use Copilot in two ways:

  1. Automatic data collection:

  • Enable Copilot for all trips performed by a specific driver (default option).

  1. Manual data collection:

If you would like to provide Search analytics into Copilot, you can send the Search events over to Copilot (see push). This information would include whether a routable point for navigation was available. Copilot helps understand the impact of search results to a navigation session (arrival experience, routable points).

WARNING: Mapbox Copilot is currently in public-preview. Copilot-related entities and APIs are currently marked as ExperimentalPreviewMapboxNavigationAPI and subject to change. These markings will be removed when the feature is generally available.

Copilot is a library included in the Navigation SDK that Processes full-trip-trace longitude and latitude data ("Copilot"). Copilot is turned off by default and optionally enabled by Customer at the application developer level to improve feedback resolution. If Customer enables Copilot, Customer shall obtain and maintain all necessary consents and permissions, including providing notice to and obtaining End Users' affirmative express consent before any access or use of Copilot.

See also


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open override fun onAttached(mapboxNavigation: MapboxNavigation)

Signals that the mapboxNavigation instance is ready for use. Use this function to register mapboxNavigation observers, such as MapboxNavigation.registerRoutesObserver.

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open override fun onDetached(mapboxNavigation: MapboxNavigation)

Signals that the mapboxNavigation instance is being detached. Use this function to unregister mapboxNavigation observers that were registered in onAttached.

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fun push(historyEvent: HistoryEvent)

Pushes search events into Copilot.

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fun start()

Starts Copilot.

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fun stop()

Stops Copilot.