
Interface for the direct rendering into the custom raster tiles. The client should implement this interface for the direct rendering into the custom raster tiles. The layers that use the corresponding custom raster source will have the rendered content as the input tile data. All methods of this interface are invoked from the renderer thread.


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abstract fun contextLost()
Called when the system has destroyed the underlying GL context.
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abstract fun deinitialize()
Destroy any GL state needed by the custom renderer, and deallocate context, if necessary.
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abstract fun initialize()
Initialize any GL state needed by the tile renderer.
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Checks whether the tile should be rendered in the current frame.
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abstract fun prerender(@NonNull parameters: CustomLayerRenderParameters)
This method is called once per frame, before any layer is rendered.
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abstract fun renderToTile(@NonNull tileID: CanonicalTileID)
Orthographic mode render to the tile.