
data class LocationPuck3D @JvmOverloads constructor(    var modelUri: String,     var position: List<Float> = listOf(0f, 0f),     var modelOpacity: Float = 1.0f,     var modelScale: List<Float> = listOf(1f, 1f, 1f),     var modelScaleExpression: String? = null,     var modelTranslation: List<Float> = listOf(0f, 0f, 0f),     var modelRotation: List<Float> = listOf(0f, 0f, 90f),     var modelCastShadows: Boolean = true,     var modelReceiveShadows: Boolean = true,     var modelScaleMode: ModelScaleMode = ModelScaleMode.VIEWPORT,     var modelEmissiveStrength: Float = 1.0f,     var modelEmissiveStrengthExpression: String? = null,     var modelOpacityExpression: String? = null,     var modelRotationExpression: String? = null,     var modelColor: Int = Color.parseColor("#ffffff"),     var modelColorExpression: String? = null,     var modelColorMixIntensity: Float = 0.0f,     var modelColorMixIntensityExpression: String? = null,     var materialOverrides: List<String> = emptyList(),     var nodeOverrides: List<String> = emptyList(),     var modelElevationReference: ModelElevationReference = ModelElevationReference.GROUND) : LocationPuck

Definition of a location_puck_3_d.


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fun LocationPuck3D(    modelUri: String,     position: List<Float> = listOf(0f, 0f),     modelOpacity: Float = 1.0f,     modelScale: List<Float> = listOf(1f, 1f, 1f),     modelScaleExpression: String? = null,     modelTranslation: List<Float> = listOf(0f, 0f, 0f),     modelRotation: List<Float> = listOf(0f, 0f, 90f),     modelCastShadows: Boolean = true,     modelReceiveShadows: Boolean = true,     modelScaleMode: ModelScaleMode = ModelScaleMode.VIEWPORT,     modelEmissiveStrength: Float = 1.0f,     modelEmissiveStrengthExpression: String? = null,     modelOpacityExpression: String? = null,     modelRotationExpression: String? = null,     modelColor: Int = Color.parseColor("#ffffff"),     modelColorExpression: String? = null,     modelColorMixIntensity: Float = 0.0f,     modelColorMixIntensityExpression: String? = null,     materialOverrides: List<String> = emptyList(),     nodeOverrides: List<String> = emptyList(),     modelElevationReference: ModelElevationReference = ModelElevationReference.GROUND)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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The material overrides for the model. Default value: [].

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Enable/Disable shadow casting for the 3D location puck. Default value: true.

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The tint color of the model layer. model-color-mix-intensity (defaults to 0) defines tint(mix) intensity - this means that, this color is not used unless model-color-mix-intensity gets value greater than 0. Expressions that depend on measure-light are not supported when using GeoJSON or vector tile as the model layer source. Default value: "#ffffff".

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The color expression of the model, which will overwrite the default model color.

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Intensity of model-color (on a scale from 0 to 1) in color mix with original 3D model's colors. Higher number will present a higher model-color contribution in mix. Expressions that depend on measure-light are not supported when using GeoJSON or vector tile as the model layer source. Default value: 0. Value range: 0, 1

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The color mix expression of the model, which will overwrite the default model color mix.

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Selects the base of the model. Some modes might require precomputed elevation data in the tileset. Default value: "ground".

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Strength of the emission. There is no emission for value 0. For value 1.0, only emissive component (no shading) is displayed and values above 1.0 produce light contribution to surrounding area, for some of the parts (e.g. doors). Expressions that depend on measure-light are only supported as a global layer value (and not for each feature) when using GeoJSON or vector tile as the model layer source. Default value: 1. Value range: 0, 5

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The emissive strength expression of the model, which will overwrite the default model emissive strength.

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var modelOpacity: Float = 1.0f

The opacity of the model. Default value: 1. Value range: 0, 1

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The opacity expression of the model, which will overwrite the default model opacity.

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Enable/Disable shadow receiving for the 3D location puck. Default value: true.

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The rotation of the model. Default value: 0,0,90.

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The rotation expression of the model, which will overwrite the default model rotation.

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The scale of the model. Default value: 1,1,1.

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The scale expression of the model, which will overwrite the default scale expression that keeps the model size constant during zoom.

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Defines scaling mode. Only applies to location-indicator type layers. Default value: "map".

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The translation of the model lon, lat, z Default value: 0,0,0.

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An URL for the model file in gltf format. Default value: null.

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The node overrides for the model. Default value: [].

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The position of the model. Default value: 0,0.