Definition of a location_puck_3_d.
The tint color of the model layer. model-color-mix-intensity (defaults to 0) defines tint(mix) intensity - this means that, this color is not used unless model-color-mix-intensity gets value greater than 0. Expressions that depend on measure-light are not supported when using GeoJSON or vector tile as the model layer source. Default value: "#ffffff".
Intensity of model-color (on a scale from 0 to 1) in color mix with original 3D model's colors. Higher number will present a higher model-color contribution in mix. Expressions that depend on measure-light are not supported when using GeoJSON or vector tile as the model layer source. Default value: 0. Value range: 0, 1
Strength of the emission. There is no emission for value 0. For value 1.0, only emissive component (no shading) is displayed and values above 1.0 produce light contribution to surrounding area, for some of the parts (e.g. doors). Expressions that depend on measure-light are only supported as a global layer value (and not for each feature) when using GeoJSON or vector tile as the model layer source. Default value: 1. Value range: 0, 5