Package-level declarations
Interface to bind a View and underlying context
Exception thrown when a plugin configuration is invalid.
Exception thrown when a ViewPlugin is loaded in a context that doesn't have a view hierarchy associated.
Interface for plugins interacting with the lifecycle of the hosting context.
Sealed class representing a location-puck.
Definition of a location_puck_2_d.
Definition of a location_puck_3_d.
Definition for map camera plugins. The map will constantly push current camera position values.
Plugin interface invoked when the size of map changes.
Interface for plugins need to be aware of the style change event.
Selects the base of the model. Some modes might require precomputed elevation data in the tileset.
Defines scaling mode. Only applies to location-indicator type layers.
The enum controls how the puck is oriented
Configures the directions in which the map is allowed to move during a scroll gesture.
Defines interface of a ViewPlugin.