Entry point for adding a Mapbox Map instance to the Jetpack Compose UI.
Modifier to be applied to the Mapbox map.
Defines the initialisation configurations for a MapboxMap. It should only be set once and not mutated after the initialisation. Mutating the ComposeMapInitOptions will result in internal MapView recreation and impact performance.
The Mapbox Compass ornament of the map, consider using MapCompassScope.Compass.
The Mapbox ScaleBar ornament of the map, consider using MapScaleBarScope.ScaleBar.
The Mapbox Logo ornament of the map, consider using MapLogoScope.Logo.
The Mapbox Attribution ornament of the map, consider using MapAttributionScope.Attribution.
A state object that can be hoisted to control and observe the map's camera state. A MapViewportState may only be used by a single MapboxMap composable at a time as it reflects instance state for a single view of a map.
A state object that can be hoisted to query map rendered features and gestures settings.
Callback to be invoked when the user clicks on the map view.
Callback to be invoked when the user long clicks on the map view.
The Style of the map.
The content of the map.