Package-level declarations


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data class ComposeMapInitOptions(    val mapOptions: MapOptions,     val textureView: Boolean = false,     val antialiasingSampleCount: Int = DEFAULT_ANTIALIASING_SAMPLE_COUNT,     val mapName: String = "")

Defines configuration ComposeMapInitOptions for a MapboxMap composable function.

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Marks a composable function as being expected to be used inside another composable function that is also marked or inferred to be marked as a MapboxMapComposable.

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A MapboxMapScope provides a scope for the children of MapboxMap.

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Marks the scope of DSL used within MapboxMap composable function.

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The MapState that can be hoisted to observe map events, query rendered features and control gestures settings.


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DisposableMapEffect is a DisposableEffect that provides the raw map controller. Use this API to interact with all the raw Mapbox Maps SDK APIs.

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fun MapboxMap(    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,     composeMapInitOptions: ComposeMapInitOptions = with(LocalDensity.current) { remember { ComposeMapInitOptions(density) } },     compass: @Composable MapCompassScope.() -> Unit = { Compass() },     scaleBar: @Composable MapScaleBarScope.() -> Unit = { ScaleBar() },     logo: @Composable MapLogoScope.() -> Unit = { Logo() },     attribution: @Composable MapAttributionScope.() -> Unit = { Attribution() },     mapViewportState: MapViewportState = rememberMapViewportState(),     mapState: MapState = rememberMapState(),     onMapClickListener: OnMapClickListener? = null,     onMapLongClickListener: OnMapLongClickListener? = null,     style: @Composable () -> Unit = { MapboxStandardStyle() },     content: @Composable MapboxMapScope.() -> Unit? = null)

Entry point for adding a Mapbox Map instance to the Jetpack Compose UI.

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fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(MapView) -> Unit)

When MapEffect enters the composition it will launch block into the composition's CoroutineContext. The coroutine will be cancelled and re-launched when MapEffect is recomposed with a different key1.

fun MapEffect(vararg keys: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(MapView) -> Unit)

When MapEffect enters the composition it will launch block into the composition's CoroutineContext. The coroutine will be cancelled and re-launched when MapEffect is recomposed with any different keys.

fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, key2: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(MapView) -> Unit)

When MapEffect enters the composition it will launch block into the composition's CoroutineContext. The coroutine will be cancelled and re-launched when MapEffect is recomposed with a different key1 or key2.

fun MapEffect(key1: Any?, key2: Any?, key3: Any?, block: suspend CoroutineScope.(MapView) -> Unit)

When MapEffect enters the composition it will launch block into the composition's CoroutineContext. The coroutine will be cancelled and re-launched when MapEffect is recomposed with a different key1, key2 or key3.

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inline fun rememberMapState(key: String? = null, crossinline init: MapState.() -> Unit = {}): MapState

Create and rememberSaveable a MapState using MapState.Saver. init will be called when the MapState is first created to configure its initial state.