
The state holder for CircleAnnotation properties.


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Amount to blur the circle. 1 blurs the circle such that only the centerpoint is full opacity. Setting a negative value renders the blur as an inner glow effect. Default value: 0.

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The fill color of the circle. Default value: "#000000".

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The opacity at which the circle will be drawn. Default value: 1. Value range: 0, 1

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Circle radius. Default value: 5. Minimum value: 0. The unit of circleRadius is in pixels.

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The stroke color of the circle. Default value: "#000000".

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The opacity of the circle's stroke. Default value: 1. Value range: 0, 1

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The width of the circle's stroke. Strokes are placed outside of the circle-radius. Default value: 0. Minimum value: 0. The unit of circleStrokeWidth is in pixels.

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