The state holder for Interactions of CircleAnnotation.
Set onClick Callback to be invoked when the CircleAnnotation is clicked. The clicked CircleAnnotation will be passed as parameter. Returns reference to CircleAnnotationInteractionsState for making chained calls.
Set onDragFinish Callback to be invoked when one of the CircleAnnotation dragging has finished. The dragged CircleAnnotation will be passed as parameter.
Set onDrag Callback to be invoked when one of the CircleAnnotation dragging is in progress. The dragged CircleAnnotation will be passed as parameter.
Set onDragStart Callback to be invoked when one of the CircleAnnotation dragging has started. The dragged CircleAnnotation will be passed as parameter.
Set onLongClick Callback to be invoked when one of the CircleAnnotation is long clicked. The long clicked CircleAnnotation will be passed as parameter. Returns reference to CircleAnnotationInteractionsState for making chained calls.
Set whether CircleAnnotation holding this CircleAnnotationInteractionsState should be draggable, meaning it can be dragged across the screen when touched and moved. Note: If this param is used when CircleAnnotation is also part of the cluster, then once CircleAnnotation is dragged, it moves out of the cluster and can't be added back to it and is rendered as a separate CircleAnnotation.