Package com.mapbox.maps.extension.androidauto
This class contains the default map gestures. It Handles the gestures received from SurfaceCallback and applies them to the MapboxMap camera. If you would like to customize the map gestures, use MapboxCarMap.setGestureHandler.
This is the main entry point for controlling the Mapbox car map surface.
Lazy initialization for the MapInitOptions. The CarContext is not created until the Session has been created. Use this initializer to specify custom initial map options.
When attaching the many possible experiences onto MapboxCarMap, this installer allows you to remove all the boilerplate. Use this installer for creating experiences that will be attached as long as a screen is in use. To assign an experience to the entire app lifecycle please use the MapboxCarMapSessionInstaller.
When attaching the many possible experiences onto MapboxCarMap, this installer allows you to remove all the boilerplate. Use this installer for creating experiences that will be attached as long as the head unit is using your application. To assign an experience to a screen please use the MapboxCarMapScreenInstaller.
This contains the Android Auto head unit map information.
Shorthand extension for installing the map onto a Session.
Shorthand extension for installing an experience onto a Screen.