Defines configuration MapInitOptions for a MapboxMap. These options can be used when adding a map to your application programmatically (as opposed to via XML). If you are using a MapFragment, you can pass these options in using the static factory method newInstance(MapboxMapOptions). If you are using a MapView, you can pass these options in using the constructor MapView(Context, MapboxMapOptions). If you add a map using XML, then you can apply these options using custom XML tags.
The AttributeSet object that init the MapView.
Resource options when using a MapView. Access token required when using a Mapbox service. Please see to learn how to create one.More information in this guide
The styleUri will applied for the MapView in the onStart lifecycle event if no style is set. Default is Style.MAPBOX_STREETS. If set to null, then there is no default style will be loaded.