
An offline region represents an identifiable geographic region with optional metadata.

class OfflineRegion(androidJvm) : OfflineRegionInterface


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The geometry defining the region. Geometry and tile pyramid definitions are mutually exclusive.

open fun getGeometryDefinition(): OfflineRegionGeometryDefinition
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The regions identifier

open fun getIdentifier(): Long
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Arbitrary binary region metadata.

open fun getMetadata(): Array<Byte>
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The tile pyramid defining the region. Tile pyramid and geometry definitions are mutually exclusive.

open fun getTilePyramidDefinition(): OfflineRegionTilePyramidDefinition
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Invalidate all the tiles for the region forcing to revalidate the tiles with the server before using. This is more efficient than deleting the offline region and downloading it again because if the data on the cache matches the server, no new data gets transmitted.

open fun invalidate(callback: AsyncOperationResultCallback)
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Remove an offline region from the database and perform any resources evictions necessary as a result.

open fun purge(callback: AsyncOperationResultCallback)
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Sets the download state of an offline region A region is either inactive (not downloading, but previously-downloaded resources are available for use), or active (resources are being downloaded or will be downloaded, if necessary, when network access is available). If the region is already in the given state, this call is ignored.

open fun setOfflineRegionDownloadState(state: OfflineRegionDownloadState)
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Register an observer to be notified when the state of the region changes.

open fun setOfflineRegionObserver(observer: OfflineRegionObserver)