Package com.mapbox.common


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Describes the tiles data domain.

enum TileDataDomain
enum TileDataDomain
enum TileDataDomain
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TileRegion represents an identifiable geographic tile region with metadata

open class TileRegion : Serializable
open class TileRegion : Serializable
open class TileRegion : Serializable
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Callback invoked as a result of the TileStore tileRegionContainsDescriptors() method call.

interface TileRegionBooleanCallback
interface TileRegionBooleanCallback
interface TileRegionBooleanCallback
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Callback invoked as a result of the TileStore tileRegionContainsDescriptors() method call.

class TileRegionBooleanCallbackNative : TileRegionBooleanCallback
class TileRegionBooleanCallbackNative : TileRegionBooleanCallback
class TileRegionBooleanCallbackNative : TileRegionBooleanCallback
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Callback invoked when returning a tile region.

interface TileRegionCallback
interface TileRegionCallback
interface TileRegionCallback
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Callback invoked when returning a tile region.

class TileRegionCallbackNative : TileRegionCallback
class TileRegionCallbackNative : TileRegionCallback
class TileRegionCallbackNative : TileRegionCallback
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Describes a tile region load request error.

open class TileRegionError : Serializable
open class TileRegionError : Serializable
open class TileRegionError : Serializable
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Describes the reason for a tile region download request failure.

enum TileRegionErrorType
enum TileRegionErrorType
enum TileRegionErrorType
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Callback invoked to return a tile region's associated geometry

interface TileRegionGeometryCallback
interface TileRegionGeometryCallback
interface TileRegionGeometryCallback
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Callback invoked to return a tile region's associated geometry

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Describes the tile region load option values.

class TileRegionLoadOptions : Serializable
class TileRegionLoadOptions : Serializable
class TileRegionLoadOptions : Serializable
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A tile region's load progress includes counts of the number of resources that have completed downloading and the total number of resources that are required.

open class TileRegionLoadProgress : Serializable
open class TileRegionLoadProgress : Serializable
open class TileRegionLoadProgress : Serializable
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Callback Invoked to report the progess of the tile region loading operation.

interface TileRegionLoadProgressCallback
interface TileRegionLoadProgressCallback
interface TileRegionLoadProgressCallback
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Callback Invoked to report the progess of the tile region loading operation.

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Callback invoked to return a tile region's associated metadata

interface TileRegionMetadataCallback
interface TileRegionMetadataCallback
interface TileRegionMetadataCallback
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Callback invoked to return a tile region's associated metadata

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Callback invoked when returning existing tile regions.

interface TileRegionsCallback
interface TileRegionsCallback
interface TileRegionsCallback
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Callback invoked when returning existing tile regions.

class TileRegionsCallbackNative : TileRegionsCallback
class TileRegionsCallbackNative : TileRegionsCallback
class TileRegionsCallbackNative : TileRegionsCallback
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A bundle that encapsulates tilesets creation for the tile store implementation. Tileset descriptors describe the type of data that should be part of the Offline Region, like the routing profile for Navigation and the Tilesets of the Map style.

open class TilesetDescriptor
open class TilesetDescriptor
open class TilesetDescriptor
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TileStore manages downloads and storage for requests to tile-related API endpoints, enforcing a disk usage quota: tiles available on disk may be deleted to make room for a new download. This interface can be used by an app developer to set the disk quota. The rest of TileStore API is intended for native SDK consumption only.

open class TileStore
open class TileStore
open class TileStore
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Observer for getting notified about changes to TileRegions.

interface TileStoreObserver
interface TileStoreObserver
interface TileStoreObserver
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Observer for getting notified about changes to TileRegions.

class TileStoreObserverNative : TileStoreObserver
class TileStoreObserverNative : TileStoreObserver
class TileStoreObserverNative : TileStoreObserver
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These constants can be used as keys for TileStore::setOption to configure further aspects of a TileStore instance.

class TileStoreOptions
class TileStoreOptions
class TileStoreOptions