These constants can be used as keys for TileStore::setOption to configure further aspects of a TileStore instance.
If the new value causes the quota to be exceed, data will be evicted to enforce the quota. Accepts a (positive) number of bytes, or null for resetting to the default value.
Sets the access token to use for tile requests. Defaults to use the access token from the application's manifest or the environment if unset. Accepts a string, or null for resetting to the default value.
Sets the base URL to use for requests to the Mapbox API. Defaults to "https://api.mapbox.com". Accepts a string, or null for resetting to the default value.
Sets the URL template for making tile requests. Defaults to the Mapbox API endpoints. Accepts a string, or null for resetting to the default value. The template string for the URL, which may contain the following placeholders: - { mapbox_api_url } : The globally set Mapbox API URL, or the default endpoint if none is set. - { mapbox_access_token } : The access token, or an empty string if none is set. - { mapbox_sku_token } : The Mapbox SKU token for the tile. - { domain } : A lowercase string representing the data domain, e.g. 'maps', or 'navigation'. - { dataset } : The dataset of the tile to be loaded, e.g. 'mapbox.mapbox-streets-v8'. - { version } : The dataset version of the tile to be loaded, if applicable. - { level } : The level of the Navigation tile to be loaded. - { graph_id } : The graph ID suffix of the Navigation tile to be loaded. E.g. '002/958/221' - { z } : The zoom level of the Map tile to be loaded. - { x } : The x coordinate of the Map tile to be loaded. - { y } : The y coordinate of the Map tile to be loaded. - { z_min } : The zoom range minimum of the Map tile to be loaded. - { z_max } : The zoom range maximum of the Map tile to be loaded.