
These constants can be used as keys for TileStore::setOption to configure further aspects of a TileStore instance.

class TileStoreOptions(androidJvm)


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If the new value causes the quota to be exceed, data will be evicted to enforce the quota. Accepts a (positive) number of bytes, or null for resetting to the default value.

val DISK_QUOTA: String
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Sets the access token to use for tile requests. Defaults to use the access token from the application's manifest or the environment if unset. Accepts a string, or null for resetting to the default value.

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Sets the base URL to use for requests to the Mapbox API. Defaults to "https://api.mapbox.com". Accepts a string, or null for resetting to the default value.

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Sets the URL template for making tile requests. Defaults to the Mapbox API endpoints. Accepts a string, or null for resetting to the default value. The template string for the URL, which may contain the following placeholders: - { mapbox_api_url } : The globally set Mapbox API URL, or the default endpoint if none is set. - { mapbox_access_token } : The access token, or an empty string if none is set. - { mapbox_sku_token } : The Mapbox SKU token for the tile. - { domain } : A lowercase string representing the data domain, e.g. 'maps', or 'navigation'. - { dataset } : The dataset of the tile to be loaded, e.g. 'mapbox.mapbox-streets-v8'. - { version } : The dataset version of the tile to be loaded, if applicable. - { level } : The level of the Navigation tile to be loaded. - { graph_id } : The graph ID suffix of the Navigation tile to be loaded. E.g. '002/958/221' - { z } : The zoom level of the Map tile to be loaded. - { x } : The x coordinate of the Map tile to be loaded. - { y } : The y coordinate of the Map tile to be loaded. - { z_min } : The zoom range minimum of the Map tile to be loaded. - { z_max } : The zoom range maximum of the Map tile to be loaded.