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A newer version of the Navigation SDK is available
This page uses v1.6.2 of the Mapbox Navigation SDK. A newer version of the SDK is available. Learn about the latest version, v2.20.2, in the Navigation SDK documentation.
Pricing information for pre-1.0.0 versions
The pricing information on this page is for the Navigation SDK for Android v1.0.0 and higher. For information on older versions of the SDK, see Pricing by products.

Applications built with the Navigation SDK for Android v1.0.0 and higher are billed based only on monthly active users (MAUs), specifically "Navigation SDKs MAUs".

What is a Navigation SDK MAU

Here's a breakdown of how monthly active users are counted by the Navigation SDK for Android.

How is the monthly period determined? {#how-is-the-monthly-period-determined}

The month-long period aligns with your billing period, which is likely not aligned with calendar months. To see the billing period for your account, visit your Invoices page. Once a billing period ends, a new one starts and your MAU count resets to 0.

When is a user considered active? {#when-is-a-user-considered-active}

A user of your application will be counted as a monthly active user as soon as they open an application that integrates the Navigation SDK by default.

How are unique users counted? {#how-are-unique-users-counted}

A single user is billed as one MAU across app upgrades as long as the app is not deleted. Deleting and re-installing an app that uses the Navigation SDK would result in an additional MAU. This happens because the SDK does not store personally identifying information.

Which Mapbox services are included?

Navigation SDK MAUs cover any use of the Directions API, Vector Tiles API, Raster Tiles API, or Routing Tiles API in an application that includes the Navigation SDK with no upfront commitments or annual contracts. These APIs are used, for example, when displaying a map view, previewing a route on the map, or displaying a list of steps along the route.

Cost per Navigation SDK MAU

To see the number of Navigation SDKs MAUs included in the free tier and the cost per Navigation SDKs MAU beyond the free tier, see the Navigation SDKs section of our pricing page.

Cost optimization

Install the Maps SDK alone

The Navigation UI SDK includes the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android. If the Maps SDK is installed in your application via the Navigation UI SDK, usage of the Maps SDK will be billed as Navigation SDK MAUs (not Maps SDK MAUs) even if no Navigation SDK specific methods are used. If you are only using Maps SDK functionality, remove the Navigation UI SDK and install the Maps SDK directly to be charged by Maps SDK MAUs.