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Query map features

A newer version of the Maps SDK is available
This page uses v9.7.1 of the Mapbox Maps SDK. A newer version of the SDK is available. Learn about the latest version, v11.7.1, in the Maps SDK documentation.

The Maps SDK allows you to query map layers and return a list of GeoJSON Features that include information about the Feature's geometry and properties. For example, a user can query map features by tapping the map and return any POIs that exist at that point as a GeoJSON Feature. Then, you can access the properties in the feature, including the POI's name as a String. Querying the map won't always return the information that you are looking for. It is possible to receive a List<Feature> with 0 features in it.

How querying works

You can query the map for features that exist at a Point or within a BoundingBox. Aside from layers, it is also possible to query the source for specific information matching your query regardless if the items are being displayed on the map.

Because features come from vector tile (or GeoJSON data that is converted to tiles internally), the query may split feature geometries or duplicate them across tile boundaries. As a result, features may appear multiple times in query results.

For example, when querying by bounding box in an area that includes a highway spanning multiple tiles, the query will return a separate feature for every tile the highway spans. The geometry of each feature will be limited to the part of the highway that exists on that tile. Similarly, a point feature near a tile boundary may appear in multiple tiles due to tile buffering.

Query rendered features

Use queryRenderedFeatures to return all map features rendered on the device. Features must be visible in the device's viewport and fully rendered before you can access them.

Query at a point

queryRenderedFeatures only accepts a screen pixel value instead of LatLng, so often you'll need convert screen position to geographic position. In the example below, when the map is clicked it provides a LatLng that is used to get the features at that point on the map.

public void onMapClick(@NonNull LatLng point) {

// Convert LatLng coordinates to screen pixel and only query the rendered features.
final PointF pixel = mapboxMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(point);

List<Feature> features = mapboxMap.queryRenderedFeatures(pixel);

// Get the first feature within the list if one exist
if (features.size() > 0) {
Feature feature = features.get(0);

// Ensure the feature has properties defined
if ( != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : {
// Log all the properties
Log.d(TAG, String.format("%s = %s", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));

Querying rendered features all layers:

<Feature> features = mapboxMap.queryRenderedFeatures(pixel);

Querying rendered features in a specific layer:

// You can pass in a single layer id or a list of layer ids
<Feature> features = mapboxMap.queryRenderedFeatures(pixel,"LAYER-ID");
Query at point

Query the rendered map to get the properties at a specific location.

Query inside a bounding box

To query the map for Features in an area, pass in a bounding box using a RectF object. This can either come from a Android View displayed to the user on top of the map or four coordinates that are shown within the viewport.

The example below shows how to use four coordinates to create a RectF. The RectF object is passed into queryRenderedFeatures().

RectF rectF = new RectF(
Query region

Query the rendered map to get the features found inside an Android view.

Query source features

querySourceFeatures() returns all features that match the query parameters regardless of whether the feature is rendered on the map. The domain of the query includes all currently-loaded vector tiles and GeoJSON source tiles. This function does not check tiles outside of the visible viewport.

To query a source, you must pass in the query parameters as a set of Filters and only the features that match that statement will be added to the returning list of features. In the example below, the map style contains a GeoJSON source called population-source, which contains a population property for each feature. The query below limits the features returned to those that have a population greater than 100,000.

mapboxMap.getStyle(new Style.OnStyleLoaded() {
public void onStyleLoaded(@NonNull Style style) {

GeoJsonSource source = style.getSourceAs("population-source");
if (source != null){
List<Feature> features = source.querySourceFeatures(Expression.get("population"));