
Arrival detection

In turn-by-turn applications using the Mapbox Navigation SDK, the SDK detects when a user arrives at a waypoint or a final destination and allows you create an arrival experience. There are few ways you can implement the experience with Navigation SDK or customize it based on your requirements.

Listen for arrival events

The ArrivalObserver interface is a callback, which can be used to receive the following events:

  • onWaypointArrival is triggered when RouteProgress.currentState is equal to RouteProgressState.COMPLETE. The event is triggered once per route leg, when there are multiple legs to navigate. If we are on the last leg of the route onFinalDestinationArrival is triggered instead.
  • onNextRouteLegStart is triggered once the driver has arrived at a stop and has started navigating the next leg.
  • onFinalDestinationArrival is triggered when RouteProgress.currentState is equal to RouteProgressState.COMPLETE. The event is triggered once when there are no more route legs to navigate.

Create an instance of ArrivalObserver

Instantiate ArrivalObserver in your Activity or Fragment.

val arrivalObserver = object : ArrivalObserver() {

override fun onWaypointArrival(routeProgress: RouteProgress) {
// do something when the user arrives at a waypoint

override fun onNextRouteLegStart(routeLegProgress: RouteLegProgress) {
// do something when the user starts a new leg

override fun onFinalDestinationArrival(routeProgress: RouteProgress) {
// do something when the user reaches the final destination

Start and stop receiving arrival events

Register and unregister the ArrivalObserver interface with your already-instantiated MapboxNavigation object at appropriate places.

override fun onStart() {

override fun onStop() {

Customize arrival events

The Mapbox Navigation SDK allows you to customize when to trigger the onNextRouteLegStart event when navigating waypoints with multiple legs. You can customize the experience by implementing ArrivalController.

The Mapbox Navigation SDK includes a default implementation of ArrivalController known as AutoArrivalController and will automatically decide when to trigger onNextRouteLegStart event.

To use your custom controller, create a new ArrivalController.

val myArrivalController = object : ArrivalController {

override fun navigateNextRouteLeg(routeLegProgress: RouteLegProgress): Boolean {


You can then pass your controller to your already-instantiated MapboxNavigation object.


When your controller's navigateNextRouteLeg returns true, the navigator will start navigating to the next stop by triggering arrivalObserver.onNextRouteLegStart. When your controller's navigateNextRouteLeg returns false the navigator will not start navigating to the next stop.

Even when your controller's navigateNextRouteLeg returns false, you can call MapboxNavigation#navigateNextRouteLeg asynchronously to continue navigation at the desired moment.
