Examples準備はできましたか?無料アカウントを作成して、Mapboxでの構築を始めましょう。サインアップ追加の開発者リソースMapbox開発者ディスコード開発者チートシートマップボックスサポートAIに質問FiltersSearch Directions to selected locationShow a dotted directions route to a location that's based on map movement.Directions route with gradientApply a two-color gradient to a Directions API route line.Directions route profilesRetrieve Mapbox Directions API routes for different profiles and toggle between them.Retrieve elevation dataUse the Tilequery API to query the Mapbox Terrain vector tileset and retrieve elevation information for a specific location.Show optimized directions on mapUse Mapbox's Optimization API to retrieve and display the quickest multi-stop route.Make a geocode requestUse the Geocoding API to receive information about specific coordinates.Retrieve travel times between many pointsUse the Matrix API to receive driving times between 2 to 25 different locations.Isochrone time sliderUse an Android seekbar slider to retrieve info from the Isochrone API. Display the data and adjust the camera accordingly.Make a isochrone requestUse the Isochrone API to receive information about how far you can travel within a given time.Multiple geometries from Directions routeShow multiple geometries based on a single Mapbox Directions API response.Show directions on mapUse Mapbox Java Services to request directions.Simplify a polylineUsing the polylines utility, simplify a polyline which reduces the amount of coordinates making up the polyline depending on tolerance.Static image notificationUse the Tilequery and Static Images APIs to eventually create notifications with helpful information and images.Straight line distanceUse Turf to calculate a straight line distance between the device location and the map camera's target.Make a tilequery requestUse the Tilequery API to search for features in a tileset. This example queries for up to 10 buildings which are within 50 meters of the single map click location.Moveable POI within filterUse the within expression to only show POIs that are inside of a moveable circle polygon.Measure line distanceUse Turf to generate a circle with a radius expressed in physical units (e.g. miles, kilometers, etc).Define a circle in physical unitsUse Turf to generate a circle with a radius expressed in physical units (e.g. miles, kilometers, etc).Hollow circleUse Turf to calculate coordinates to eventually draw a ring around a center coordinate.Two person meetup POIsSee which places of interest (POIs) are within a 15 minute walk from two peoples' current locations.Map MatchingMatch raw GPS points to the map so they aligns with the roads/pathways.準備はできましたか?無料アカウントを作成して、Mapboxでの構築を始めましょう。サインアップ追加の開発者リソースMapbox開発者ディスコード開発者チートシートマップボックスサポートAIに質問この{Type}は役に立ちましたか?はいいいえ