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Root level properties of a Mapbox style specify the map's layers, tile sources and other resources, and default values for the initial camera position when not specified elsewhere.

"version": 8,
"name": "Mapbox Streets",
"sprite": "mapbox://sprites/mapbox/streets-v{{ref.$version}}",
"glyphs": "mapbox://fonts/mapbox/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
"sources": {...},
"layers": [...]

There are some root level properties, including owner and modified, that are not documented here because they do not affect how a style is rendered. For the full list of these properties and their descriptions, see the example style object in the Mapbox Styles API documentation.


Required array of layers .

Layers will be drawn in the order of this array.

"id": "water",
"source": "mapbox-streets",
"source-layer": "water",
"type": "fill",
"paint": {
"fill-color": "#00ffff"


Required object with source values .

Data source specifications.

"mapbox-streets": {
"type": "vector",
"url": "mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-streets-v6"


Required enum .

Style specification version number. Must be 8.



Optional number . Units in degrees. Defaults to 0.

Default bearing, in degrees. The bearing is the compass direction that is "up"; for example, a bearing of 90° orients the map so that east is up. This value will be used only if the map has not been positioned by other means (e.g. map options or user interaction).



Optional camera .

Global setting to control additional camera intrinsics parameters, e.g. projection type (perspective / orthographic).


Optional array of numbers .

Default map center in longitude and latitude. The style center will be used only if the map has not been positioned by other means (e.g. map options or user interaction).



Optional colorTheme .

A global modifier for the colors of the style.


Optional featuresets .

Defines sets of features for querying, interaction, and feature state manipulation.

"poi": {
"selectors": [
"layer": "poi",
"properties": {
"type": [
"name": [
"brand": "ABC"


Optional fog .

A global effect that fades layers and markers based on their distance to the camera. The fog can be used to approximate the effect of atmosphere on distant objects and enhance the depth perception of the map when used with terrain or 3D features. Note: fog is renamed to atmosphere in the Android and iOS SDKs and planned to be changed in GL-JS v.3.0.0.


Optional boolean .

Indicates that a style is a fragment style.



Optional string . Defaults to "mapbox://fonts/mapbox/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf".

A URL template for loading signed-distance-field glyph sets in PBF format. The URL must include {fontstack} and {range} tokens. This property is required if any layer uses the text-field layout property. The URL must be absolute, containing the scheme, authority and path components.



Optional array of style imports .

Imports other styles into this style.

SDK SupportMapbox GL JSAndroid SDKiOS SDK

basic functionality

>= 3.0.0>= 11.0.0>= 11.0.0


Optional light .

The global light source. Note: This API is deprecated. Prefer using flat light type instead in the lights API.

"anchor": "viewport",
"color": "white",
"intensity": 0.4


Optional array of 3D lights .

Array of light sources affecting the whole map and the default for 3D style, mutually exclusive with the light property

"id": "environment",
"type": "ambient",
"properties": {
"color": "rgba(255.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)",
"intensity": 0.4
"id": "sun_light",
"type": "directional",
"properties": {
"color": "rgba(255.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)",
"intensity": 0.4,
"direction": [
"cast-shadows": true,
"shadow-intensity": 0.2
SDK SupportMapbox GL JSAndroid SDKiOS SDK

basic functionality

>= 3.0.0>= 11.0.0>= 11.0.0


Optional .

Arbitrary properties useful to track with the stylesheet, but do not influence rendering. Properties should be prefixed to avoid collisions, like 'mapbox:'.


Optional models .

Specification of models used in the style.

"spruce1-lod0": "asset://spruce1-lod0.glb",
"spruce1-lod1": "asset://spruce1-lod1.glb",
"spruce1-lod2": "asset://spruce1-lod2.glb"


Optional string .

A human-readable name for the style.



Optional number . Units in degrees. Defaults to 0.

Default pitch, in degrees. Zero is perpendicular to the surface, for a look straight down at the map, while a greater value like 60 looks ahead towards the horizon. The style pitch will be used only if the map has not been positioned by other means (e.g. map options or user interaction).



Optional projection .

The projection the map should be rendered in. Supported projections are Mercator, Globe, Albers, Equal Earth, Equirectangular (WGS84), Lambert conformal conic, Natural Earth, and Winkel Tripel. Terrain, sky and fog are supported by only Mercator and globe. CustomLayerInterface is not supported outside of Mercator.

"name": "albers",
"center": [
"parallels": [


Optional schema .

Definition of the schema for configuration options.

SDK SupportMapbox GL JSAndroid SDKiOS SDK

basic functionality

>= 3.0.0>= 11.0.0>= 11.0.0


Optional string .

A base URL for retrieving the sprite image and metadata. The extensions .png, .json and scale factor @2x.png will be automatically appended. This property is required if any layer uses the background-pattern, fill-pattern, line-pattern, fill-extrusion-pattern, or icon-image properties. The URL must be absolute, containing the scheme, authority and path components.



Optional terrain .

A global modifier that elevates layers and markers based on a DEM data source.


Optional transition .

A global transition definition to use as a default across properties, to be used for timing transitions between one value and the next when no property-specific transition is set. Collision-based symbol fading is controlled independently of the style's transition property.

"duration": 300,
"delay": 0


Optional number .

Default zoom level. The style zoom will be used only if the map has not been positioned by other means (e.g. map options or user interaction).

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