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Tilequery API Playground

The Mapbox Tilequery API allows you to retrieve features from vector tilesets based on a given longitude and latitude. The endpoint also gives you the ability to add a radius to the query to retrieve nearby features, as well as several other optional parameters for customizing the output.

To generate a Tilequery API request, enter values for each parameter or click the map below to query at a point.

For custom tilesets, replace mapbox.mapbox-streets-v8 or mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2 with the tileset ID of the tileset you want to query.


Use of the Mapbox Tilequery API endpoint is rate limited to 600 requests per minute. (If you require a higher rate limit, contact us.) Exceeding the limit of 600 requests per minute will result in an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests response. For information on rate limit headers, see the Rate limits section of the Mapbox API documentation .

Tilequery API Playground
from your account page
tilesetselect tileset(s) to query
Optional parameters
in meters
number of items to return
source layers to query
limit results to a specific type
Deduplicate results based on feature IDs and shared geometries and properties; default is true.
Click the map to query at a point
query point
50 m
Request URL
You haven't queried a point yet. Click on the map to query at a point or enter parameters to try the Tilequery API.
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