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Public beta
Mapbox Tiling Service is in public beta and is subject to potential changes.
  • Billed by square kilometers for tileset processing and square kilometer days for tileset hosting
  • See rates and discounts per tileset processing and tileset hosting in the pricing page's Tilesets section

When you use MTS, you can see your usage statistics on your statistics dashboard, and you will see two different line items: tileset processing and tileset hosting. The cost of each will depend on the area of your tiled data and the precision level of your tileset.

Tileset processing and hosting costs are directly proportional to the area of the tileset in square kilometers (km2). To estimate the area of the tileset, use the estimate-area command in the Tilesets CLI. The command will return the estimated area in km2 for the tileset can be used with the pricing calculators to estimate the processing costs, hosting costs, or both associated with that tileset.

You can also use the mtsds --estimate command with the Mapbox Tiling Service (MTS) Data Sync tool. mtsds --estimate will measure the area of tiles that intersect your data at the zoom level Mapbox uses to calculate billing (the number of square kilometers km2 at the minimum zoom level within each pricing tier). Review the MTS Data Sync documentation for specific usage instructions.

MTS tileset processing

Each time you publish a tileset with MTS, you will see a one-time tileset processing charge. The total cost of tileset processing depends on two factors:

  • Precision level, which is determined by the maxzoom used in the tileset recipe. Precision approximately describes the range of accuracy of tiled data relative to the real world.
  • Area, in square kilometers (km2), of your tiled data. This area is the total area of all tiles that contact features from your data at your specified precision level. See our How area is calculated troubleshooting guide for more details on how this value is determined.

There are four possible line items related to tileset processing, each associated with a different precision level and pricing. MTS supports four precision levels: 10 meter, 1 meter, 30 centimeter, and 1 centimeter. The line item you see on your invoice depends on the maxzoom value you use in your tileset recipe:

Tileset recipe's maxzoom valueLine itemNotes
0-5FreeAppropriate for low-resolution administrative boundaries like countries and states.
6-10Tileset Processing 10m
(cost per km2)
Appropriate for low-resolution administrative boundaries like countries and states.
11-13Tileset Processing 1m
(cost per km2)
Appropriate for high-resolution administrative boundaries like neighborhoods or census tracts.
14-16Tileset Processing 30cm
(cost per km2)
Appropriate for buildings, roads, and points of interest.
17-22Tileset Processing 1cm
(cost per km2)
Contact us to create a tileset with a maxzoom greater than 16.

To see details on the precision level and area tiled for a specific tileset, go to your Mapbox Studio Tilesets page and click on the tileset's name to visit the Tileset explorer. The Tileset explorer provides more details about the square kilometer coverage and precision of the tileset in the Billing metrics section.

Manage your tileset processing costs

The most expensive tilesets to process are those that both cover a large area, like the entire world, and require high precision, for example a global road network. You can lower your costs by either reducing the area of your data or reducing the maxzoom level in your tileset recipe. If you want to reduce the area of your data, you can use bbox in your tileset recipe to tile your data to a specified bounding box. If you want no tileset processing costs, you can use a maxzoom of less than 6 in your tileset recipe since tilesets created at that zoom level are free. To learn more about how to optimize your tilesets to reduce tileset processing costs, see our guide on managing your tileset processing and tileset hosting costs.

MTS tileset hosting

After you publish a tileset with MTS, you will begin to see a recurring tileset hosting charge for every day your tileset is hosted on Mapbox's servers. This charge covers the cost of storing your tiled and processed data on Mapbox servers and will depend on several factors:

  • Precision level, which is determined by the maxzoom used in the tileset recipe. Precision approximately describes the range of accuracy of tiled data relative to the real world.
  • Square kilometer days is equal to the area tiled multiplied by the number of days hosted. The maximum possible value for a tileset's square kilometer days is the area of the tileset multiplied by 30 (the total days in the billing period).
  • Area tiled, in square kilometers (km2), of your tiled data. This area is the total area of all tiles that contact features from your data at your specified precision level. See the How area is calculated troubleshooting guide for more details on how this value is determined.
  • Days hosted in your account in a given month-long billing period.

There are four possible line items related to tileset hosting, each associated with a different precision level and pricing. MTS supports four precision levels: 10 meter, 1 meter, 30 centimeter, and 1 centimeter. The line item you see on your invoice depends on the maxzoom value you use in your tileset recipe:

Tileset recipe's maxzoom valueLine itemNotes
0-5FreeAppropriate for low-resolution administrative boundaries like countries and states.
6-10Tileset Hosting 10m
(cost per km2 per day)
Appropriate for low-resolution administrative boundaries like countries and states.
11-13Tileset Hosting 1m
(cost per km2 per day)
Appropriate for high-resolution administrative boundaries like neighborhoods or census tracts.
14-16Tileset Hosting 30cm
(cost per km2 per day)
Appropriate for buildings, roads, and points of interest.
17-22Tileset Hosting 1cm
(cost per km2 per day)
Contact us to host a tileset with a maxzoom greater than 16.

For a tileset that has been published multiple times, hosting costs for a given day reflect the latest area of the tileset on that day. For example, a tileset that originally had an area of 10 square kilometers, but had an area of 5 square kilometers after an additional publish job will only incur tileset hosting costs for 5 square kilometers of data.

Manage your tileset hosting costs

The most expensive tilesets to host are those that both cover a large area, like the entire world, and will require high precision, for example a global road network. You can lower your costs by reducing the area of your data, the maximum zoom level (using maxzoom) in your tileset recipe and deleting any tilesets you're no longer using. If you want to reduce the area of your data, you can use bbox in your tileset recipe to tile your data to a specified bounding box.

If you want no tileset hosting costs, you can use a maxzoom of less than 6 in your tileset recipe since tilesets created at that zoom level are free. To learn more about how to optimize your tilesets to reduce tileset hosting costs, see our guide on managing your tileset processing and tileset hosting costs.

Estimate your usage metrics

The Tileset explorer provides you with additional information that can help you estimate your usage metrics. To access the Tileset explorer, go to your Mapbox Studio Tilesets page and click on a Tileset's name.

Once the explorer has opened, the Billing metrics graph will appear in the bottom left corner of the page. But, if your Tileset is a free tier Tileset, a graph will not appear because there will be no billing metrics to track.

This graph will provide an overview of how a Tileset contributes to your monthly processing and hosting costs based on the area tiled and precision level. To get an estimate of your monthly invoice fees, you can add the geographic extent of your data in square kilometers across each precision level and copy the summed value into our pricing calculator.

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