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  • Billed by Map Loads for Web
  • See rates and discounts per map load in the pricing page's Sessions & user prices section

Pricing for Mapbox GL JS v1.0.0 and higher is measured by Map Loads for Web. For information on how older versions of Mapbox GL JS are priced, see our [pricing documentation for Mapbox GL JS v1.0.0.

Mapbox GL JS v1.x.x compared to v2.x.x

The action that triggers a map load changed in Mapbox GL JS v2.0.0:

  • Mapbox GL JS v2.x.x: A map load occurs whenever a Mapbox GL JS Map object is initialized on a webpage.
  • Mapbox GL JS v1.x.x: A map load occurs whenever a Mapbox GL JS Map object is initialized on a webpage and you request a Mapbox-hosted map tile.Before updating an existing implementation from v1.x.x to v2.x.x, review this pricing documentation to estimate expected costs.

Web maps using Mapbox GL JS v1.0.0 and higher are billed by Map Loads for Web. Beginning with Mapbox GL JS v2.0.0, a map load occurs whenever a Mapbox GL JS Map object is initialized. Measuring usage by map loads means that users interacting with your web map can toggle layers on and off, zoom and pan around the map, and toggle between styles without affecting your usage. You can also add vector or raster sources to your map at runtime without incurring additional charges. The maximum session length for a map load is 12 hours. If a user has the same map open after 12 hours, Mapbox will count that as a new map load session.

For an overview of how to manage your costs for common interactive, non-interactive, and hybrid web map implementations, see the Manage your web map costs troubleshooting guide.

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