
Offline Map

This example shows how to download map tiles for offline use. Specifically, it shows how to download Style Packs and Tile Regions using OfflineManager. For more guidance on using offline maps in your application read out our Offline Maps Guide.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:mapbox_maps_flutter/mapbox_maps_flutter.dart';

import 'example.dart';
import 'utils.dart';

class OfflineMapExample extends StatefulWidget implements Example {

final Widget leading = const Icon(Icons.wifi_off);

final String title = 'Offline Map';

final String subtitle =
"Shows how to use OfflineManager and TileStore to download regions for offline use.";

State createState() => OfflineMapExampleState();

class OfflineMapExampleState extends State<OfflineMapExample> {
final StreamController<double> _stylePackProgress =
final StreamController<double> _tileRegionLoadProgress =

TileStore? _tileStore;
OfflineManager? _offlineManager;
final _tileRegionId = "my-tile-region";

void dispose() async {
await OfflineSwitch.shared.setMapboxStackConnected(true);
await _removeTileRegionAndStylePack();

_removeTileRegionAndStylePack() async {
// Clean up after the example. Typically, you'll have custom business
// logic to decide when to evict tile regions and style packs

// Remove the tile region with the tile region ID.
// Note this will not remove the downloaded tile packs, instead, it will
// just mark the tileset as not a part of a tile region. The tiles still
// exists in a predictive cache in the TileStore.
await _tileStore?.removeRegion(_tileRegionId);

// Set the disk quota to zero, so that tile regions are fully evicted
// when removed.
// This removes the tiles from the predictive cache.

// Remove the style pack with the style uri.
// Note this will not remove the downloaded style pack, instead, it will
// just mark the resources as not a part of the existing style pack. The
// resources still exists in the disk cache.
await _offlineManager?.removeStylePack(MapboxStyles.SATELLITE_STREETS);

_downloadStylePack() async {
final stylePackLoadOptions = StylePackLoadOptions(
metadata: {"tag": "test"},
acceptExpired: false);
MapboxStyles.SATELLITE_STREETS, stylePackLoadOptions, (progress) {
final percentage =
progress.completedResourceCount / progress.requiredResourceCount;
if (!_stylePackProgress.isClosed) {
}).then((value) {

_downloadTileRegion() async {
final tileRegionLoadOptions = TileRegionLoadOptions(
geometry: City.helsinki.toJson(),
descriptorsOptions: [
// If you are using a raster tileset you may need to set a different pixelRatio.
// The default is UIScreen.main.scale on iOS and displayMetrics's density on Android.
styleURI: MapboxStyles.SATELLITE_STREETS, minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 16)
acceptExpired: true,
networkRestriction: NetworkRestriction.NONE);

_tileStore?.loadTileRegion(_tileRegionId, tileRegionLoadOptions,
(progress) {
final percentage =
progress.completedResourceCount / progress.requiredResourceCount;
if (!_tileRegionLoadProgress.isClosed) {
}).then((value) {

_initOfflineMap() async {
_offlineManager = await OfflineManager.create();
_tileStore = await TileStore.createDefault();

// Reset disk quota to default value

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
String downloadButtonText = "Download Map";
final mapIsDownloaded = Future.wait(
[_tileRegionLoadProgress.sink.done, _stylePackProgress.sink.done])
.whenComplete(() async {
await OfflineSwitch.shared.setMapboxStackConnected(false);

return new Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
child: FutureBuilder(
future: mapIsDownloaded,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return MapWidget(
key: ValueKey("mapWidget"),
styleUri: MapboxStyles.SATELLITE_STREETS,
CameraOptions(center: City.helsinki, zoom: 12.0),
} else {
return TextButton(
style: ButtonStyle(
onPressed: () async {
await _initOfflineMap();
await _downloadStylePack();
await _downloadTileRegion();
child: Text(downloadButtonText),
height: 100,
child: Card(
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
stream: _stylePackProgress.stream,
initialData: 0.0,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
return Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
Text("Style pack ${snapshot.requireData}"),
value: snapshot.requireData,
stream: _tileRegionLoadProgress.stream,
initialData: 0.0,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
return Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
Text("Tile region ${snapshot.requireData}"),
value: snapshot.requireData,